clickItem (Java)

clickItem(objectOrName, itemOrIndex, x, y)

clickItem(objectOrName, itemOrIndex, x, y, modifierState, button)

These functions click the mouse on the item with the specified itemOrIndex inside the given objectOrName view widget. This function is typically used to access items inside views such as lists, tables, and trees. For tables the itemOrIndex is a string with the format row/column, e.g., "4/21"; for other views it is the relevant item's text.

The click is made at position x and y in the itemOrIndex item's coordinates. The button and modifierState parameters are optional. If they are not specified, the click is made with the left mouse button and using a null keyboard modifier state. If the button and modifierState are given, the click is made with the specified button and keyboard modifier state.

Supported view widgets are List, Combo, and ToolBar for the SWT toolkit, and JList, JTable, JTree, List, and Choice for the AWT/Swing toolkit.

See Java Convenience Function Parameters for which values are valid for the modifierState and for the button arguments.

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