startDrag (Java)

startDrag(source_objectOrName, sx, sy)


This function initiates a drag on the source_objectOrName widget starting at position sx and sy (in the source_objectOrName widget's coordinates, if omitted the widget's center is taken). The drop can be done using the dropOn(target_objectOrName, tx, ty, operation) function.

Normally the dragAndDrop(source_­object­Or­Name, sx, sy, target_­object­Or­Name, tx, ty, operation) function is used to perform a drag and drop in a single action. However, in some situations it may be necessary to move the mouse over a different object before the drop can take place. In such cases the test code would look something like this:

startDrag(sourceObject, sx, sy)
mouseMove(otherObject, x, y)
dropOn(targetObject, tx, ty, operation)

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