
Image object.grabScreenshot(object, [parameterMap])

This function takes an object reference (as returned by the Object findObject(objectName) function or by the Object waitForObject(objectOrName) function), and returns a screenshot of its current visual as an Image Object.

The screenshot behavior can be configured through entries passed via the optional parameterMap argument.

  • delay - The delay before taking the screenshot in milliseconds. The default value is 1000 (1 second) to allow the AUT to react to the latest inputs and reach a stable state before taking a screenshot. Reducing it to 0 may be useful to improve the test execution time, especially in case of a series of consecutive grabScreenshot() calls.
var obj = waitForObject(":MyWidget");
var img = object.grabScreenshot(obj, {delay: 0});
y $obj = waitForObject(":MyWidget");
my $img = object::grabScreenshot($obj, {"delay" => 0});
obj = waitForObject(":MyWidget")
img = object.grabScreenshot(obj, {"delay": 0})
obj = waitForObject(":MyWidget")
img = Squish::Object.grabScreenshot(obj, {"delay" => 0})
set obj [waitForObject ":MyWidget"]
set img [object grabScreenshot $obj {delay 0}]
test attachImage $img

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