SequenceOfObjects object.topLevelObjects()
This function returns a list of all of the AUT's top-level objects. The return type is scripting language-specific, e.g., a tuple in Python, and an array in the other languages. Examples are given below.
topLevels = object.topLevelObjects() # iterate over tuple for obj in topLevels: children = object.children(obj) ...
var topLevels = object.topLevelObjects(); // iterate over array for (var i = 0; i < topLevels.length; ++i) { var obj = topLevels[i]; var children = object.children(obj) ... }
my @topLevels = object::topLevelObjects(); # iterate over array foreach $obj (@topLevels) { my @children = object::children(obj) ... }
topLevels = Squish::Object.topLevelObjects() # iterate over array for obj in topLevels children = Squish::Object.children(obj) #... end
set topLevels [object topLevelObjects] foreach obj $topLevels { set children [object children $obj] ... }
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