
waitForSignal(object, signalSignature)

waitForSignal(object, signalSignature, timeoutMSec)

This function waits for Qt (not Unix!) signal to be emitted by the given object. The object is a reference to object and can be obtained from one of the functions returning object references (e.g. Object waitForObject(objectOrName) or Object findObject(objectName). The signalSignature must be a string, and contain the exact signature used in C++ with no parameter names (see installSignalHandler(objectOrName, signalSignature, handlerFunctionName) for examples of valid signatures). The duration of the waiting loop is defined by the testSettings.waitForObjectTimeout property or if the optional timeoutMSec parameter is used, that many milliseconds. If the signal doesn't arrive within the given timeout, (catchable) RuntimeError exception is raised.

waitForSignal(waitForObject(names.window_Window), "titleChanged()")
waitForSignal(waitForObject(names.windowWindow), "titleChanged()")
waitForSignal(waitForObject($Names::window_window), "titleChanged()");
waitForSignal(waitForObject(Names::Window_Window), "titleChanged()")
invoke waitForSignal [waitForObject $names::window_Window] "titleChanged()"

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