squishinfo Object

squishinfo Object

The global squishinfo object provides the following properties.

int squishinfo.major

This read-only property holds Squish's major version number as a single integer (e.g., 4).

int squishinfo.minor

This read-only property holds Squish's minor version number as a single integer (e.g., 0).

int squishinfo.patch

This read-only property holds Squish's patch level version number as a single integer (e.g., 1).

String squishinfo.resultDir

This read-only property holds the path to the results directory.

String squishinfo.testCase

This read-only property holds the current test case's path.

String squishinfo.testCaseName

This read-only property holds the current test case's name.

String squishinfo.testSuiteName

This read-only property holds the current test suite's name.

int squishinfo.version

This read-only property holds Squish's complete version number (major/minor/patch/release) as a single integer (see explanation further on).

The squishinfo.version number is a unique number that represents the complete Squish version number (major/minor/patch/release). The number is composed of four bytes by representing each part as a one-byte hexadecimal number. So Squish 4.0.1-final would be represented by the number 0x040001FF where the 0x04 is the major version (4), the 0x00 the minor version (0), the 0x01 the patch version (1), and the 0xFF the release (final). The release is encoded using one of three hexadecimal numbers: 0xAA is used for "alpha", 0xBB for "beta", and 0xFF for "final".

Using a hexadecimal format version number makes it easy to write version-specific code in test scripts. Here's an example where we want some code executed only for Squish 4.0.0-final or later (for example, to take advantage of some Squish 4-specific functionality):

if squishinfo.version >= 0x040000FF:
   # code meant for Squish version 4.0.0-final or higher
if (squishinfo.version >= 0x040000FF) {
   // code meant for Squish version 4.0.0-final or higher
if (squishinfo->version >= 0x040000FF) {
   # code meant for Squish version 4.0.0-final or higher
if Squishinfo.version >= 0x040000FF
   # code meant for Squish version 4.0.0-final or higher
if {[squishinfo version] >= 0x040000FF} {
   # code meant for Squish version 4.0.0-final or higher

String squishinfo.version_str

This read-only property holds Squish's version number as a human-readable string (e.g., "4.0.1-final").




This read-only property holds the current test's currently active settings group.

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