setMouseTracking(className, onOrOff)
This function can be used in init
files to disable or enable the recording of MouseMove
events for certain widget classes. The class to disable or enable mouse tracking for is specified by the className
parameter. Pass an onOrOff
parameter value of true
to enable mouse tracking or of false
to disable mouse tracking. (By default mouse tracking is off.)
Wrapper-Specific Initialization
The init
files are Tcl scripts that are registered with the squishrunner and then read before starting any tests. The registration process is explained in Configuring squishrunner. Although init
files must be written in Tcl, this does not affect the scripting language used for test suites, which may be in any of the scripting languages that Squish supports.
We can have as many init
scripts as we like for each GUI toolkit or we can put all the initialization statements in a single Tcl script per toolkit. However many init
scripts we use, they must all be registered with the squishrunner.
setMouseTracking ScribbleArea true
This sets mouse tracking on for an AUT's custom ScribbleArea
To make this work, we must tell Squish to execute a file that contains this Tcl script at startup when it is used to test a Qt-based AUT:
squishrunner --config addInitScript Qt /home/harri/qt_init1.tcl
An absolute path must be used.
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