
String typeName(object)

Warning: This function is deprecated in favor of String className(object). It is not a drop-in replacement though, as it may produce different results.

This function returns the object's class name as a string. (A suitable object can be obtained using the Object waitForObject(objectOrName) function or the Object findObject(objectName) function.) For objects that are created in test scripts, this is their actual type name. For widgets and other application objects, Squish tries to return the correct type name, and if that isn't possible, returns "Object", the name of Squish's generic object type, instead.

JavaScript, Perl, Ruby, and Tcl scripts should always return the correct type name. Python scripts usually return "Object" for application objects, but Squish's API includes the String className(object) function, which returns the correct class name of the object it is given, whether that object is created in a test script or is an application object.

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