Boolean waitFor(condition)
The condition
is a piece of code to evaluate, passed as a string or as a function reference, and that is expected to return a Boolean value. The waitFor
function loops one or more times, and on each iteration it executes the condition
code and reads its return value. After each execution, if the condition
code's return value is true
, waitFor
will finish and return true
. Otherwise, the waitFor
function will perform another iteration, that is, execute the condition
code again, and again check its return value, repeating endlessly—or until the condition
code returns true
, in which case waitFor
will finish and return true
This function is designed as a quick and easy way to poll for a condition in the AUT, where each condition
execution takes a very short time (typically a fraction of a second), and always returns true
or false
. This is useful if you want to synchronize your script execution to a certain state in the AUT.
See How to Create and Use Synchronization Points for examples of use.
Boolean waitFor(condition, timeoutMSec)
The condition
is a piece of code to evaluate, passed as a string or as a function reference, and that is expected to return a Boolean value. The waitFor
function loops one or more times, and on each iteration it executes the condition
code and reads its return value. After each execution, if the condition
code's return value is true
, waitFor
will finish and return true
. If the condition
code returned false
, the waitFor
function checks to see if the time it has been running has exceeded the timeoutMSec
—if it has, waitFor
finishes and returns false
; otherwise it does another iteration, starting with another execution of the condition
This function is designed as a quick and easy way to poll for a condition in the AUT, where each condition
execution takes a very short time (typically a fraction of a second), and always returns true
or false
. This is useful if you want to synchronize your script execution to a certain state in the AUT.
See How to Create and Use Synchronization Points for examples of use.
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