Browser Object
This object's methods provide information about the browser being used.
Note: When using the Qt edition for applications using the QtWebKit module, the name of this object is SquishBrowserInfo
in order to avoid clashes with objects provided by the application itself. So instead of
, use
in test scripts that are being used with the Qt edition. The same applies to the other functions and properties provided by this object.
This function returns the name of the browser which is being used for running the test as a string value. Values for common browsers are:
– For Mozilla Firefox"Google Chrome"
– For Google Chrome"Chromium-based Applications (using CEF, Electron, nw.js etc.)"
– For Chromium-based applications"Microsoft Internet Explorer"
– Microsoft InternetExplorer"Microsoft Edge"
– For Microsoft Edge"Other Browser"
– For other browsers"Safari"
– For Safari
String Browser.majorVersion()
This function returns the major version of the browser which is being used for running the test as an integer value.
Type Browser.type()
This function returns the type of the browser which is being used for running the test as a number value. The returned type value should be compared to one of the following variables (each stands for the respective browser):
– FirefoxBrowser.InternetExplorer
– Internet Explorer (Microsoft)Browser.Edge
– Microsoft EdgeBrowser.GoogleChrome
– Google ChromeBrowser.ChromiumBased
– Chromium-based Applications (using CEF, Electron, nw.js etc.)Browser.Mozilla
– MozillaBrowser.Safari
– Safari (Apple)
function main() { // ... if (Browser.type() == Browser.InternetExplorer) { test.log("Using Internet Explorer!") } // ... }
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