HTML_CustomButtonBase Class
This class provides an abstract API to support web toolkits that use highly customized buttons (e.g., those created using <div>
or <span>
HTML elements rather than <input>
elements). The API is very similar to that provided by the HTML_Button Class. This class inherits the HTML_Object Class.
See also, Button Support.
Boolean HTML_CustomButtonBase.disabled
This read/write property indicates whether the button is disabled (true) or enabled (false).
Boolean HTML_CustomButtonBase.showText
This read/write property indicates whether the button shows text (true) or an image (false).
String HTML_CustomButtonBase.text
This read/write property holds the text shown on the button if the showText
property is true; otherwise it holds an empty string.
String HTML_CustomButtonBase.tooltip
This read/write property holds the button's tooltip text (which may be empty).
Boolean HTML_CustomButtonBase.visible
This read–only property indicates whether the button is visible in the web page.
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