HTML_CustomSelectList Class
This class represents customized multi-selection lists—for example, those created using <div>
or <span>
tags, rather than using a <select>
element. This class inherits the HTML_FormElement Class which inherits the HTML_Object Class. (See also Select List Support and HTML_Select Class.)
Boolean HTML_CustomSelectList.hasOption(option)
This function returns true
if the given option
is the or one of the items in the selection list; otherwise it returns false
String HTML_CustomSelectList.selectedOptions
This read/write property holds a single string containing all the currently selected entries. The string has the form "option1delimiteroption2delimiter...optionNdelimiter" where the delimiter can be any one of the characters: ",;|-+*!/". Even if there is only one selected entry its text will still be followed by the delimiter.
When writing to this property, the string passed must have the option1delimiter etc., format.
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