HTML_Menu Class

This class provides the API for HTML menus and menubars. This class inherits the HTML_Object Class and in addition, has its own property and methods. See Menu Support for how to add support for custom menus.

HTML_MenuItem HTML_Menu.findItemByIconUrl(iconUrl)

This function returns the first HTML_MenuItem Class whose icon has the given iconUrl or a null value if there isn't one. (The null value can be tested for using the Boolean isNull(object) function.)

HTML_MenuItem HTML_Menu.findItemByText(text)

This function returns the first HTML_MenuItem Class with the given text or a null value if there isn't one. (The null value can be tested for using the Boolean isNull(object) function.)

HTML_MenuItem HTML_Menu.itemAt(index)

This function returns the HTML_MenuItem Class at the given index position or a null value if there isn't one. (The null value can be tested for using the Boolean isNull(object) function.)

int HTML_Menu.numItems

This read-only property holds the count of how many menu items are in the menu (or menubar).

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