HTML_TabWidget Class

This class provides the API for HTML tab widgets. This class inherits the HTML_Object Class. Each tab in the tab widget is of type HTML_Tab Class.

HTML_Object HTML_TabWidget.cellAt(row, column)

This function retrieves the cell object for the given row and column. The indices for row and column are 0-based and the row does not include any header rows, only the actual content rows.


This function clicks the tab with the given tab title text (if there is one). Normally this will cause the clicked tab to come to the front.


This function returns a reference to the tab with the given tab title text as an object of type HTML_Tab Class. If there is no such tab the function returns a null value for which the Squish Boolean isNull(object) function returns a true value.


This function returns a reference to the currently active tab as an object of type HTML_Tab Class.

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