HTML_XPathResult Class
This is the type of the result object returned when an XPath is evaluated. This class inherits the HTML_Object Class .
When evauating an XPath statement on any HTML_Object Class (see HTML_XPathResult HTML_Object.evaluateXPath(statement)), an object of type HTML_XPathResult is returned. This object contains the results of the XPath execution.
See also How to Use XPath.
Boolean HTML_XPathResult.booleanValue
This read-only property holds the XPath result as Boolean value.
Number HTML_XPathResult.numberValue
This read-only prototype holds the XPath result as a numerical value.
HTML_Object HTML_XPathResult.singleNodeValue()
This function returns the first node (of type HTML_Object Class) of the node list if the result of the XPath execution was a node list.
int HTML_XPathResult.snapshotLength
This read-only property holds the number of nodes returned by the XPath execution. A value of -1 means that no node list has been returned.
String HTML_XPathResult.stringValue
This read-only property holds the XPath result as string value.
HTML_Object HTML_XPathResult.snapshotItem(index)
This function returns the node (of type HTML_Object Class) at the given index
position in the node list if the result of the XPath execution was a node list.
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