
selectOption(objectOrName, text)

This function selects the option with the given text in the objectOrName select form element (which may be a select or select-one element). If the element is a multi-selection box, multiple options to be selected can be passed in the text separated by commas.

selectOptions(objectOrName, listOfTexts)

This function selects options from the objectOrName select form element (which may be a select or select-one element). For each entry in the listOfTexts a corresponding option with that visible text will be selected. If the element only allows single selection, the passed in listOfTexts has to contain only a single entry.

selectOptionByValue(objectOrName, value)

This function selects the option with the given value attribute in the objectOrName select form element (which may be a select or select-one element).

selectOptionsByValue(objectOrName, listOfValues)

This function selects options from the objectOrName select form element (which may be a select or select-one element). For each entry in the listOfValues a corresponding option with that value attribute will be selected. If the element only allows single selection, the passed in listOfValues has to contain only a single entry.

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