This function is a convenient for android.webkit.WebView.evaluateJavaScript. The target WebView
is a UI element of type WebView and the script
argument is some JavaScript code. This function returns the result of the JavaScript evaluation as a string.
var webview = waitForObject(":some_WebView"); test.log("Pixel ratio is " + webview.evalJS("window.top.devicePixelRatio"));
my $webview = waitForObject(":some_WebView"); test::log("Pixel ratio is " . $webview->evalJS("window.top.devicePixelRatio"));
webview = waitForObject(":some_WebView") test.log("Pixel ratio is " + webview.evalJS("window.top.devicePixelRatio"))
webview = waitForObject(":some_WebView") Test.log("Pixel ratio is " + webview.evalJS("window.top.devicePixelRatio"))
set webview [waitForObject ":some_WebView"] test log [concat "Pixel ratio is" [webview evalJS "window.top.devicePixelRatio"]]
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