Version 6.7.3

Squish 6.7.3 is a maintenance release containing bug fixes for different editions of the product. See the following sections for a detailed list of all changes.


  • Increased the Squish Floating License Server connection timeout to 30 seconds to handle busy networks/machines more gracefully.

Script Interpreters

  • test.vpWithObject() now throws an exception when the second argument is neither an object name nor an object reference.
  • JavaScript - Fixed crash on access to static and let local-scope values in case of recursive script calls triggered by e.g. installEventHandler() callbacks.


  • The delay between steps of mouseClick(), tapObject() and other replay functions for QQuickItem and QWindow is now configurable via the ReplayDelay option in etc/qtwrapper.ini.
  • Fixed incorrect keyboard modifier status after replaying type() on QQuickItem or QWindow objects when the typed text involves any modifier key.
  • Fixed recording of mouse wheel interaction in QtWidgets applications with negative scrolling delta values.
  • The castToQObject() now raises an exception when called with a null object. Previously such calls could crash the AUT.
  • Desktop screenshots work on QNX.


  • The Java Wrapper enables testing of AUTs running Java <= 19.


  • Added missing Android-21 Z-order for tapObject() recording.


  • ApplicationContext.usedMemory is now supported on iOS.


  • Fixed a problem where tcleval was incorrectly returning TCL_ERROR on valid Tcl.
  • Improved error reporting when there is a failure reading a Tk Widget property.

Source Packages

  • Squish can now be built with Ruby 3.0 support.
  • configure now detects q++ from QNX >= 7.0 as a valid C++ compiler.

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