
Object cast(object, type)

Casts the object to the given type and returns a reference to that object, or to a new copy of the object if the object is of an immutable type. (A suitable object can be obtained using the Object waitForObject(objectOrName) function or the Object findObject(objectName) function.) The desired type can be specified either by name (as a string) or by using a type object.

For mutable objects the object itself is modified.

If the cast fails the object reference is returned unchanged.

Note: Python programmers should be aware that integer type conversions such as int(x) will not work; use x = cast(x, int) or x = cast(x, "int") instead. Or if you prefer, do import __builtin__ (Python 2) or import builtins (Python 3), and then use x = (Python 2) or x = (Python 3). This is necessary because Squish implements its own int object in Python.

This function makes it possible to downcast (e.g., from QWidget to QTextEdit), but does not do runtime type checking. See Event Handlers for Specific Objects for an example of use. For a cast that uses RTTI, see castToQObject().

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