
The Squish installer supports a range of command line options to permit unattended installations.

Note: The actual name of the installer depends on the particular Squish package being installed. In this section, the generic placeholder name <squishinstaller> is used.


<squishinstaller> unattended=1 targetdir=<PATH> licensekey=<KEY> ide=1 doc=1 examples=1 jrepath=<PATH> support-applets=1 qtpath=<PATH> startmenupath=<PATH> menushortcut=1 desktopshortcut=1 python=<VERSION> st-link-programmer=<PATH> st-link-gdbserver=<PATH> nxp-linkserver=<PATH>


unattended=1Causes any values required during the installation (such as the target directory name) to be read from the command line.
targetdir=<PATH>Optional, defines to which directory the Squish package is installed. If the directory exists already, it will be overwritten. If this argument is omitted, the Squish installer will select a default target directory in the home directory (for Windows and Linux) resp. the /Applications directory (for macOS) based on the name of the package being installed.
licensekey=<KEY|host:port>Required if no key installed already. Specifies the license key, or a floating license server to use for the installation. If this setting is omitted, a previously installed license key, or the previous floating license server will be used if available.

The format of the address for floating license server is: hostname:port or IP_address:port. For example: or licensekey=

ide=1Specifies whether the Squish IDE component will be installed (1) or not (0). Installed by default when the argument is not specified.
doc=1Specifies whether the Squish Documentation component will be installed (1) or not (0). Installed by default when the argument is not specified.
examples=1Specifies whether the Squish Examples component will be installed (1) or not (0). Installed by default when the argument is not specified.
jrepath=<PATH>Optional, relevant for testing Java applications. Specifies the path to the JRE used by the application to be tested. If this argument is omitted, the Squish installer will try to auto-detect a JRE installation.
support-applets=1Optional, relevant for testing Web applications. Specifies whether the support for automating Java applets in Web pages will be disabled.
qtpath=<PATH>macOS specific. Specifies the path to the Qt library used by the application to be tested. This value is ignored on other operating systems. If this argument is not specified during installation, Squish must be configured with –qt using squishconfig.
startmenupath=<PATH>Only supported on Microsoft Windows. Defines the place where start menu shortcuts are to be created. Implicitely sets menushortcut=1.
menushortcut=1Causes the installer to create shortcuts (e.g. to the Squish IDE) in the application menu, i.e., the start menu on Microsoft Windows. On Windows, the Squish installer will create shortcuts in Squish for edition version (e.g. Squish for Qt 6.0.1) unless startmenupath defines a different path.
desktopshortcut=1Only supported on Microsoft Windows. Causes the installer to place a shortcut to the Squish IDE on the desktop.
python=<VERSION>Specifies which Python version to use when executing Squish tests written in Python. If a Squish package does not support the specified Python version the option is not available. If omitted during the installation, the default Python version will be used.
st-link-programmer=<PATH>Optional, relevant for testing Qt Ultralite applications using STM debug probes. Specifies the path to the St-Link programmer tool.
st-link-gdbserver=<PATH>Optional, relevant for testing Qt Ultralite applications using STM debug probes. Specifies the path to the St-Link GDB server tool.
nxp-linkserver=<PATH>Optional, relevant for testing Qt Ultralite applications using NXP debug probes. Specifies the path to the NXP LinkServer installation.

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