The squishconfig
program is used to configure a specific Squish installation such that it uses a given license key and other system dependencies (such as a particular Java installation or a particular web browser).
] [--java=<PATH>
] [--swt=<PATH>
] [--support-applets
] [--qt=<PATH>
Option | Description |
--licensekey=<STRING> | Defines the License Key to use for this Squish installation. You can get this from My Licenses. You can also pass an address:port of a floating license server; when configuring an installation using a floating license. |
--python=[2|3] | Specifies which Python version to use when executing Squish tests written in Python. The argument is not available if a Squish package does not have support for multiple Python versions. If the argument is omitted, the default Python version of the package or the previously set value will be used. |
--java=<PATH> | Relevant for testing Java applications or Java applets. Defines the path to the Java Runtime Environment (JRE) used by the application to test. |
--swt=<PATH> | Relevant for testing Java/SWT applications. Specifies the path to the swt.jar file. |
--support-applets | Relevant for testing Web applications. Defines, whether automation of Java applets into web pages is supported or not. This option needs to be specified together with –java to have an effect. |
--qt=<PATH> | Relevant for testing Qt applications on macOS. Specifies the path to the Qt library used by the application. |
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