
The Debug view is shown in the Test Debugging Perspective.

It shows the filename and line number where Squish has stopped—for example, at a breakpoint—including a full backtrace.


The Debug view

To jump anywhere in the backtrace, click the relevant item in the tree.

The following table summarizes the actions of the toolbar buttons in the Debug view:

IconToolbar Button NameAction
Remove Terminated LaunchesClears the details of any AUTs that have been terminated from the view.
ResumeResumes the execution of a test case that has stopped at a breakpoint.
SuspendThis action is not needed or functional in the Squish IDE.
TerminateTerminates the execution of a test case that has stopped at a breakpoint.
DisconnectThis action is not functional in the Squish IDE.
Step IntoContinues the execution of a test case that has been stopped.
Step OverContinues the execution of a test case that has been stopped.
Step ReturnContinues the execution of a test case that has been stopped.
Drop To FrameThis action is not functional in the Squish IDE.
Use Step FiltersThis toggle action is not functional in the Squish IDE.
View MenuProvides menu options for controlling how the view presents its data.

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