
String findFile(where, filename)

This function returns the path of the given filename or raises a LookupError exception if the file cannot be found.

If the where parameter is "scripts", findFile looks for the filename in the test case scripts directory. If that doesn't contain the file the function next tries the test suite's shared/scripts directory. If that doesn't contain the file, the function tries the paths in the paths.ini initialization file. If it still isn't found, the function tries all of the directories listed in the SQUISH_SCRIPT_DIR environment variable (if it is defined). As soon as the file is found, the filename path is returned; otherwise a catchable LookupError exception is raised.

If the where parameter is "testdata", findFile looks for the filename in the test case's testdata directory. If that doesn't contain the file the function next tries the test suite's shared/testdata directory, and failing that the function tries the test case directory. As soon as the file is found, the filename path is returned; otherwise a catchable LookupError exception is raised.

(See also, the source(filename) function and the Test Data Functions.)

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