IDE reference
The following sections describe all aspects and features of the Squish IDE:
To learn how to use Squish, start with one of the Tutorials, and then at least browse through How to Create Test Scripts, How to Test Applications - Specifics, and Tools Reference.
Squish IDE works just like Eclipse IDE. If you aren't used to Eclipse, it is crucial to understand the key concepts of views and perspectives. In Eclipse (and therefore in the Squish IDE), a view is essentially a child window (perhaps a dock window, or a tab in an existing window). A perspective is a collection of views arranged together. You can access perspectives and views through the Window menu.
The Squish IDE is supplied with three perspectives—Squish Test Management (which is the perspective that the Squish IDE starts with), Squish Test Debugging, and Squish Spy. You can change these perspectives to include additional views (or to get rid of any views that you don't want), and you can create your own perspectives with exactly the views you want. So if your windows change dramatically, it just means that the perspective changed. You can always use the Window menu to change back to the perspective you want.
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