How to Create Test Scripts

The following sections describe the most commonly used Squish features and provide examples of using Squish. Especially, Squish's scripting support, the different scripting languages Squish supports, and the script APIs which are available when working with test scripts:

For complete references of the Squish APIs, tools, and IDE, see API Reference, Tools Reference, and IDE Reference.

Unicode UTF-8 File Encoding

The Squish IDE loads and saves test scripts (e.g., files with names matching test.*), as Unicode text using the UTF-8 encoding. All the Squish tools assume that UTF-8 is used for all the scripts they execute. See the Editor view. If you don't edit your test scripts using the Squish IDE, make sure that the editor you use loads and saves the scripts using UTF-8; or, if your editor is not Unicode-capable, then the most sensible alternative is to restrict your code to 7-bit ASCII—which all modern editors support—since this is a subset of UTF-8.

Some characters, most notably double quotes (") and backslashes (\), must be quoted in string literals. For example, "C:\\My Documents". This requirement is shared by all the scripting languages that Squish supports.

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