Installing Squish for Qt for iOS testing
Note: iPhone and iPad applications can only be tested on Apple hardware, either on the devices themselves or on simulators that run on macOS.
The Squish for Qt for iOS testing package is suitable for building the iOS application for testing. You still need to install a Squish package for recording, managing and running the tests, as instructed in Installing from Binary Packages.
To build your application instrumented for using with Squish on iOS, you need to unpack the package and build your application with Squish's Qt built-in hook included. Keep in mind that Qt-based apps on iOS always use static linking when going through the instructions.
Afterwards you can register an attachable application in Squish (with the IP address of the device and the port number you chose) and attach to it from Squish running on the desktop computer. See also Attaching to a Running Application with the Built-in Hook for more details on attachable applications.
If you want to use Squish's Qt wrapper extensions, you have to set the SQUISH_WRAPPER_EXTENSIONS
variable before you include the qtbuiltinhook.pri
in your .pro
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