Socket Object

The Socket object can be used as TCP client socket to connect to a server socket to read and write strings.


var socket = Socket.connect("", 4711);
socket.encoding = "latin1";
var line = socket.readLine();


This method closes the socket connection. Once closed a socket object cannot be read from or written to.

socket Socket.connect(host, port)

This function tries to connect to the specified host name (or the IP address) and port and returns a socket object on success. If the connection failed a catchable exception is thrown.

String socket.encoding

The socket object's encoding property holds the encoding to read and write strings. The default encoding is "utf-8". Other possible values are "ucs-2" (2 byte Unicode) and "latin1" (also known as ISO 8859-1) which includes the US-ASCII range.

This property should be set before doing any reading or writing of strings.

String socket.localAddress

The socket object's localAddress property holds the address used on the local machine for the socket.

Number socket.localPort

The socket object's localPort property holds the port used on the local machine for the socket.

Number socket.readInt8()

This method reads a signed 8-bit integer from the socket. On success the integer value is returned otherwise a catchable exception is thrown.

Number socket.readInt32()

This method reads a signed 32-bit integer from the socket. On success the integer value is returned otherwise a catchable exception is thrown.

String socket.readLine()

This method reads until one of the line endings "\n" or "\r\n" are read from the socket returned by the socket Socket.connect(host, port) function. The content is assumed to be text using the UTF-8 encoding (unless the socket.encoding property is changed). On success the string is returned without line ending. If no line ending is received a catchable exception is thrown.

String socket.remoteAddress

The socket object's remoteAddress property holds the address used on the remote machine for the socket.

Number socket.remotePort

The socket object's remotePort property holds the port used on the remote machine for the socket.

Number socket.timeout

The socket object's timeout property holds the timeout used for read and write operations on the socket. It's an integer number of seconds which defaults to 20 seconds.

This property should be set before doing any reading or writing.


This method writes the given string to the socket object returned by the socket Socket.connect(host, port) function. The string is written using the UTF-8 encoding (unless the socket.encoding property is changed). If the writing fails a catchable exception is thrown.

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