pressAndHold(objectOrName, x, y)
pressAndHold(objectOrName, x, y, dx, dy)
This function performs a press and hold operation on the specified objectOrName
item—starting with the mouse at position x
and y
(in the objectOrName
item's coordinates) and optionally moving the mouse by dx
pixels horizontally and by dy
pixels vertically if these offsets are specified. (Note that dx
and dy
are relative to the starting mouse position in QML scene coordinates, not in objectOrName
item coordinates which is normally the case.)
The pressAndHold
function is supported on objects of type QDeclarativeItem.
The press and hold operation performed by this function is similar to what the dragItemBy(objectOrName, x, y, dx, dy, modifierState, button) function does, except for the hold (the initial pause when the mouse is first pressed down). QML scenes support press and hold by using an invisible MouseArea
item that is overlaid on top of one or more of the scene's QML items. Squish doesn't record actions for invisible items so for a press and hold it records the item at the mouse (or finger for touch screens) position that is actually under the MouseArea
Other Object Types
For objects of type QQuickItem, you can use either longMouseClick(objectOrName, x, y, modifierState, button) or longMouseDrag(objectOrName, x, y, dx, dy, modifierState, button).
For other objects it should be possible to emulate the effect of pressAndHold()
by using a combination of the following functions:
For example:
function main() { //... mouseMove(waitForObject(":target_object_name"), 5, 5); mousePress(waitForObject(":target_object_name")); snooze(3); mouseRelease(waitForObject(":target_object_name")); //... }
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