UiTypes Namespace
Squish provides the UiTypes
namespace (in languages where namespaces make sense) through which items of generic types can be created.
DateTime Type
The UiTypes.DateTime
type (plain DateTime
in Tcl) is capable of holding a date and time value.
DateTime UiTypes.DateTime()
DateTime UiTypes.DateTime(year, month, dayOfMonth)
DateTime UiTypes.DateTime(year, month, dayOfMonth, hour, minute, second)
This construction function creates a DateTime
object. If no arguments are given all the values are set to -1 (i.e., the DateTime
is invalid). Here is how to create a valid DateTime
moonLanding = UiTypes.DateTime(1969, 7, 20)
var moonLanding = new UiTypes.DateTime(1969, 7, 20);
my $moonLanding = UiTypes::DateTime->new(1969, 7, 20);
moonLanding = UiTypes::DateTime.new(1969, 7, 20)
set moonLanding [construct DateTime 1969 7 20]
The Squish UiTypes
namespace is inside the Squish
namespace that is automatically imported into test scripts—except for Ruby where the script file should begin with a require 'squish'
objects have the following properties:
int UiTypes.DateTime.year
This read/write property holds the date/time's year.
int UiTypes.DateTime.month
This read/write property holds the date/time's month (1-12).
int UiTypes.DateTime.day
This read/write property holds the date/time's day of the month (1-31).
int UiTypes.DateTime.hour
This read/write property holds the date/time's hour (0-23).
int UiTypes.DateTime.minute
This read/write property holds the date/time's minutes (0-59).
int UiTypes.DateTime.second
This read/write property holds the date/time's seconds (0-59).
A point element representing a position on screen. Objects of this type have the following properties:
Integer x
Read/write property that specifies the horizontal coordinate of this point.
Integer y
Read/write property that specifies the vertical coordinate of this point.
A rectangle type that represents a screen position and size.
ScreenRectangle UiTypes.ScreenRectangle()
Constructs an invalid ScreenRectangle
whose properties are all set to the value -1
ScreenRectangle UiTypes.ScreenRectangle(otherScreenRectangle)
Constructs a copy of otherScreenRectangle
ScreenRectangle UiTypes.ScreenRectangle(x, y, width, height)
Constructs a ScreenRectangle
with the given position and size.
someRect = UiTypes.ScreenRectangle(13, 27, 800, 600)
var someRect = new UiTypes.ScreenRectangle(13, 27, 800, 600);
my $someRect = UiTypes::ScreenRectangle->new(13, 27, 800, 600);
someRect = UiTypes::ScreenRectangle.new(13, 27, 800, 600)
set someRect [construct ScreenRectangle 13 27 800 600]
Integer x
The x-coordinate of the rectangle's left edge or -1 in case of an invalid object.
Integer y
The y-coordinate of the rectangle's top edge or -1 in case of an invalid object.
Integer width
The width of the rectangle or -1 in case of an invalid object.
Integer height
The height of the rectangle or -1 in case of an invalid object.
ScreenPoint center()
Returns the center of the rectangle object as a ScreenPoint object.
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