

This function will start the desktop video capture on the system where the application under test is running. The video file will be stored as part of the test report and logged in the test report using the specified message. The message is optional: if it is not specified, a default message containing the application name will be added to the report.

At any point in the script, there can be only one video capture for a given application context. Attempting to start another video capture on the same application context will result in an error.

The video capture will be stopped when the application under test terminates or is disconnected from, either through the test script commands or as part of the ending of the test case. In case of sudden, unexpected terminations of the application under test, the video file may be incomplete.

The video capture can be explicitly terminated at any point after starting it using the test.stopVideoCapture(message).

If video capture is enabled for all applications through --enable-video-capture commandline option, then this function will only add a log message to the test report (see also Playback option –enable-video-capture).

Note: The video capture feature has some technical limitations listed in Known Video Capture Limitations in our Knowledge Base.

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