Version 3.2
Squish 3.2 is a minor release that brings new features, improvements for all editions. New features and some of the improvements are listed below.
- Property name matching supports regular expressions and wildcards. This allows for dynamic property values to be identified.
- References to other objects are possible in multi-property names to avoid repeating redundant information.
- The list of properties used for object identification is configurable.
- Improved documentation with more examples, in-depth information and tutorials
- Improved usablity of the [Test Suite|Record] sequence in the Squish IDE.
- Implemented source() function for Perl script bindings.
- Generated multi-property names now reference container, window, buddy, leftWidget, aboveWidget, parentWidget by name and not using a set of identifying properties. This makes the names carry less redundant information and better maintainable.
- Use Qt's translator mechanism to do property value matching in object names and matching of item texts in functions such as activateItem() so test scripts can run on internationalized applications with no modifications.
- New Qt 4.3 classes like QWizard are wrapped.
- Support Qt 3.3.8 by working around a regression that broke the debugger on Windows.
- Support Q3ListBox and Q3ComboBox
- Support record and replay of interactions with FileUpload form elements.
- The Spy can be used without a running test
- Added a waitForContextExists() function and record that instead of setContext().
- Much improved Spy object picker.
- Screenshots can now be taken of individual elements in the page and not only of the whole page (as it was the case in previous versions)
- Added new event types AlertOpened, PromptOpened and ConfirmOpened than can be handled in the test script.
- Added a JavaScript extension API that allows user-defined support for custom AJAX widgets. That includes custom object identification for record and replay and property definitions.
- Added support for Firefox on Mac OS X.
- Fixed various errors in the interaction with Internet Explorer 7
- More properties and relative widgets (buddies, etc.) are used in object names when recording to generate more robust names.
- Fixed script replay actions ignoring the return value whether the action succeeded or not.
- Added support for testing Tk-inter applications (e.g. PyTk)
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