Squish for macOS, Beta 1

Following you find some notes (mainly limitations and known-issues) on the first beta release of Squish for testing macOS applications written with Carbon or Cocoa. This beta release is based on the Squish 3.2 code base.

  • This beta was only tested on macOS 10.4 (Tiger) - it might not work on other versions of macOS.
  • The most common control types are already supported. However, there are still some missing. This does not mean that you can't record actions on the unsupported controls; it just means that the resulting script code is not as stable against changes in the GUI than desired.

    The controls that need improved support in the future include NSComboBox, NSOutlineView, NSSlider, NSTokenField, NSSplitView and most Carbon controls.

  • Activation of items in context menus are currently recorded as a click on the item with relative coordinates inside the view containing the menu items. This is not the desired behavior in respect to maintainability of the scripts.
  • Drag and drop is not supported - neither with recording nor with play back.
  • Squish does not yet make many of the properties of Carbon controls accessible to the scripting language and the Spy.
  • Most of the properties and functions of Cocoa objects are available in Squish's script bindings. Structs, selectors and class objects are not yet supported in method signatures; the corresponding methods are missing in the script bindings.

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