Version 6.7.2

Squish 6.7.2 is a maintenance release containing bug fixes for different editions of the product. See the following sections for a detailed list of all changes.

Script Interpreters

  • Adapted behavior of Object.preventExtensions() and Object.isExtensible() to ECMAScript 2015. Both functions will no longer throw an error on non-object type arguments.
  • Fixed this value in function called via a super reference.
  • Fixed an unintended syntax change for wildcard matches in object names when the AUT is using Qt 6 or newer. Characters with special meaning in wildcard strings are now backslash-escaped regardless of the Qt version in use.
  • The class FormData offers handling form data according to the FormData Web API. It allows tests written in JavaScript to send form data with the xmlHttpRequest to HTTP Servers using either POST or PUT requests.
  • Enabled stacktraces for warnings in Squish test results.
  • Added support for 64-bit ARM processors in OS.machine.

Squish IDE

  • Fixed a problem with converting text-based object maps to scripted object maps when a symbolic name contains a backslash.
  • Fixed an issue which caused the Record Snippet to disable at a breakpoint where an initially hooked up AUT process was replaced with a secondary AUT process.


  • Fixed storing the usesBuiltinHook setting for AUTs in the wrong format.
  • Fixed a crash on startApplication when squishserver was built with Qt 6.1 or newer.


  • Fixed a compatibility problem of qtbuiltinhook.pri for Qt 6 on Android.
  • Dropped an unneeded dependency on the QtNetwork module for Qt 5 or newer.
  • Fixed performance problems with mouseClick and tapObject on QQuickItem and QWindow. Both functions applied a delay to avoid accidental double-clicks in too many cases.
  • Fixed an out-of-memory condition for static Qt builds when moving the mouse cursor.
  • Fixed Qt menubar recording and replay on macOS for Qt >= 6.0.
  • Squish for Qt packages for 64-bit MinGW now contain 64-bit instead of 32-bit Squish Tools (i.e., squishrunner and squishserver). This was already the case for packages for the MSVC compiler and is important when configuring an external (64-bit) Python interpreter.
  • Added support for providing standard Squish for Qt packages for Qt 6.1 on macOS and iOS, instead of the remote-testing packages provided in previous releases.
  • Fixed a crash when replaying type(o, "<Backspace>") or other special keys on Qt 6 or newer.
  • Squish now records a closeWindow call on normal toplevel windows created from QML like an ApplicationWindow from Qt Quick Controls 2.
  • Recording on QtQuick content now ignores the "Compress Events" setting as done by other parts of Squish which cannot record without event compression. This allows uncompressed recordings on QtWidgets while still getting sensible statements recorded on QtQuick content.
  • Fixed recording mouseWheel as a last statement of a script recording.
  • Fixed a problem with a missing dependency (Qt6QuickLayouts) of the QtQuick addressbook in S/Qt packages for Qt 6.1 and later.


  • Fixed a regression which prevented verification of older screenshot VPs (Squish version < 4) on Windows.
  • Fixed process crashing on Windows after a sub-process is started. In some cases the logging of the started sub-process was causing problems.


  • Fixed two problems creating touch events in browsers running on touch-enabled devices for mobile browser testing.
  • Fixed a problem where openNewTab would not find the newly-opened tab in the list of tabs, resulting in "random" script errors (Internet Explorer).
  • Provide a webwrapper.ini option, UseSessionStorageForEvents that allows Squish for Web to work better with Visual Studio Code and other Chromium-based applications that prevent HTTP connections. In particular, this option allows picking and recording of scripts.


  • Fixed a problem on macOS Big Sur where clicks on the global application menu and on dropdown lists in WebViews caused an additional mouseClick call to be recorded that would not replay correctly.
  • Fixed a problem with the mouseClick overload taking x/y coordinates that could cause the web object to receive "-1" for the pressed mouse button instead of the expected number for the left button.
  • Fixed nativeType on macOS 12 Monterey, where nativeType'ing key combinations would often only work the first time. Subsequent attempts would trigger the "invalid hotkey pressed" system sound of macOS.


  • Fix iOS simulators not being listed with Xcode 12.5. The iphonelauncher utility Squish uses to obtain the list of available simulators from Xcode returned an empty list with Xcode 12.5.
  • Fix testing apps built with Xamarin.iOS on iOS devices.

    There was a problem with libsquishioswrapper.a where the Squish initialization function was not found at runtime. Compiling the app would still work fine.

    This only affects testing on real devices, not the iOS Simulator.

Source Packages

  • XMLHttpRequest in JavaScript is now capable of sending FormData. This data is encoded as multipart/form-data using QHttpMultiPart which is available since Qt 4.8.0.

    This new feature increases the required minimal Qt version for building Squish IDE Utilities and squishrunner from Qt 4.6.0 to 4.8.0.

  • Fixed building Qt toolkit support for QNX platforms.
  • configure: Add "–with-nm" to set a custom nm tool (used for Qt symbol lookup when building Qt toolkit support).


  • Fixed instrument and deploy for Android targets >= 30. These targets require the v2 signing scheme.


  • The Java Wrapper enables testing of AUTs running Java >= 16.


  • Fixed picking problems as well as object lookup errors with some Tcl/Tk distributions/builds.

Known Issues

For a list of noteworthy issues which were found after the release of Squish 6.7.2, please see the Known Issues page in the Knowledge Base.

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