JsObject Class

This class provides an API for accessing references to JavaScript objects. JsObject objects can be returned by the JsObject retrieveJSObject(javascriptcode) function and by the property and call functions of this class.

String JsObject.property(name)

This function returns the value of the JavaScript property with the given name. The returned value can be either a primitive, like a string or number, or it can be reference to a JavaScript object as JsObject.

String JsObject.call(methodname, methodarguments)

This function executes the method with the given name on the JavaScript object. The methodarguments is optional if the JavaScript method that is to be executed does not need any parameters. In case the JavaScript method does require parameters, methodarguments should be a list of values that are to be passed to the JavaScript method. The parameters can be either primitive values, like strings or numbers, or it can be a reference to a JsObject obtained earlier in the script. The returned value can be either a primitive, like a string or number, or it can be reference to a JavaScript object as JsObject.

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