ObjectName Object
This object's methods provide access to properties that make up a multi-property object name. It allows adding properties, changing values, getting a list of property names and converting the name to a multiproperty name string.
ObjectName.addProperty(propertyName, propertyValue)
This function adds or replaces the property with the propertyName
and the property value given as propertyValue
. The property value has to be either a String for strict matching properties, a Squish.WildCardPropertyValue Squish.WildCardPropertyValue(wildcardString) or a Squish.RegExPropertyValue Squish.RegExPropertyValue(regexString).
PropertyValue ObjectName.getPropertyValue(propertyName)
This function returns the value of the property with the propertyName
or undefined if the object name does not have that property. The returned value is either a String for strict matching properties, a Squish.WildCardPropertyValue Squish.WildCardPropertyValue(wildcardString) or a Squish.RegExPropertyValue Squish.RegExPropertyValue(regexString).
This function removes the property with the propertyName
from this object name.
ListOfStrings ObjectName.getPropertyNames()
This function returns the list of property names currently part of this object name.
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