dragAndDrop (Windows)

dragAndDrop(source_objectOrName, target_objectOrName)

dragAndDrop(source_objectOrName, sx, sy, target_objectOrName)

dragAndDrop(source_objectOrName, target_objectOrName, tx, ty)

dragAndDrop(source_objectOrName, sx, sy, target_objectOrName, tx, ty)

This function performs a drag and drop operation. It begins by initiating a drag on the source_objectOrName widget and then it does the drop on the target_objectOrName widget. By default the drag is from the middle of the source object to the middle of the target object, unless specific coordinates are given, in which case the coordinates are honored.

Either, both, or neither sets of coordinates can be specified. If the source coordinates are given, the drag starts at position sx and sy (in the source_objectOrName widget's coordinates), and if the target coordinates are given the drop occurs at position tx and ty (in the target_objectOrName widget's coordinates).

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