UiAutomator class
Objects of this type allows test scripts to run methods on android.support.test.uiautomator classes and objects. Call androidUiAutomator() to get an instance of a UiAutomator
The requirement is that the Android OS is at API level 18 or higher (Android-4.3 or later).
The equivalent script of an example script that presses the Android "Home" button, opens the Android application launcher and from the second screen, opens the Settings app. Using the object names :Apps_Clickable
which is description='Apps' simpleName='TextView' type='Clickable' visible='true'
, :_AccessiblePanel
being simpleName='FrameLayout' type='AccessiblePanel' visible='true'
and :Settings_Clickable
stands for simpleName='TextView' text='Settings' type='Clickable' visible='true'
goHome() tapObject(waitForObject(":Apps_Clickable")) geom = Screen.byIndex(0).geometry w = geom.width touchAndDrag(waitForObject(":_AccessiblePanel"), w-10, geom.height/2, 20-w, 0) tapObject(waitForObject(":Settings_Clickable"))
The equivalent snippet using UiAutomator is:
var au = androidUiAutomator(); //press home var dev = au.getDevice(); dev.pressHome(); //open application launcher var sel = au.createSelector().description("Apps"); var obj = au.createObject(sel); obj.click(); //swipe right to left var y = dev.displayHeight / 2; dev.swipe(dev.displayWidth - 10, y, 10, y, 50); //open settings app sel = au.createSelector().text("Settings"); obj = au.createObject(sel); obj.click();
my $au = androidUiAutomator(); #press home my $dev = $au->getDevice(); $dev->pressHome(); #open application launcher my $sel = $au->createSelector()->description("Apps"); my $obj = $au->createObject($sel); $obj->click(); #swipe right to left my $y = $dev->displayHeight / 2; $dev->swipe($dev->displayWidth - 10, $y, 10, $y, 50); #open settings app $sel = $au->createSelector()->text("Settings"); $obj = $au->createObject($sel); $obj->click();
au = androidUiAutomator() #press home dev = au.getDevice() dev.pressHome() #open application launcher sel = au.createSelector().description("Apps") obj = au.createObject(sel) obj.click() #swipe right to left y = dev.displayHeight / 2 dev.swipe(dev.displayWidth - 10, y, 10, y, 50) #open settings app sel = au.createSelector().text("Settings") obj = au.createObject(sel) obj.click()
au = androidUiAutomator() #press home dev = au.getDevice() dev.pressHome() #open application launcher sel = au.createSelector().description("Apps") obj = au.createObject(sel) obj.click() #swipe right to left y = dev.displayHeight / 2 dev.swipe(dev.displayWidth - 10, y, 10, y, 50) #open settings app sel = au.createSelector().text("Settings") obj = au.createObject(sel) obj.click()
set au [invoke androidUiAutomator] #press home set dev [invoke $au getDevice] invoke $dev pressHome #open application launcher set sel [invoke [invoke $au createSelector] description "Apps"] set obj [invoke $au createObject $sel] invoke $obj click #swipe right to left set y [expr [property get $dev displayHeight] / 2] invoke $dev swipe [expr [property get $dev displayWidth] - 10] $y 10 $y 50 #open settings app set sel [invoke [invoke $au createSelector] text "Settings"] set obj [invoke $au createObject $sel] invoke $obj click
Returns a android.support.test.UiDevice object. By calling android.support.test.UiDevice.getInstance and using the SquishHook
as instrumentation
Returns a newly created android.support.test.uiautomator.UiSelector object.
Returns a newly created android.support.test.uiautomator.UiObject object for the selector
Returns the android.support.test.uiautomator.By class on which the static methods can be called to create android.support.test.uiautomator.BySelector objects.
Returns the android.support.test.uiautomator.Until class on which the static methods can be called.
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