XML Object
object provides a parsing function that operates on a string of XML-marked-up text, and that returns an XMLNode
object that provides methods which allow the XML to be traversed and queried.
XMLNode XML.parse(markup)
This function parses the given string of XML markup and returns a document node object that represents the root of the document tree. If the parse fails a catchable exception is thrown.
Note that the XML is assumed to use the UTF-8 encoding (which is the default for XML files that don't specify an encoding), even if an encoding is specified that isn't UTF-8.
XMLNode xmlNode.firstChild
This read-only node property holds this node's first child—or a null node if this node has no children.
String xmlNode.getAttribute(attributeName)
This node method returns a string containing the value of the node's attributeName
attribute. If the node doesn't have an attribute called attributeName
, the method's behavior is undefined. If the attributeName
is an empty string, a catchable exception is thrown. All of a node's attribute names can be retrieved using the ListOfString xmlNode.getAttributeNames() function.
Note: This function must only be called on element nodes—those nodes whose nodeType
attribute's value is XML.ElementNode
. Calling the function on non-element nodes will cause a catchable exception to be thrown.
ListOfString xmlNode.getAttributeNames()
This node method returns a list of strings containing the names of all the node's attributes. Any of these names can be used as the argument to the String xmlNode.getAttribute(attributeName) function to get the corresponding attribute's value.
Note: This function must only be called on element nodes—those nodes whose nodeType
attribute's value is XML.ElementNode
. Calling the function on non-element nodes will cause a catchable exception to be thrown.
Boolean xmlNode.hasAttribute(attributeName)
This function returns true
if the node has an attribute called attributeName
; otherwise it returns false
Note: This function must only be called on element nodes—those nodes whose nodeType
attribute's value is XML.ElementNode
. Calling the function on non-element nodes will cause a catchable exception to be thrown.
ListOfXMLNode xmlNode.getElementsByTagName(tagName)
This function returns a list of XMLNode
objects for the given tagName
Note: This function must only be called on document or element nodes—a node whose nodeType
property's value is XML.DocumentNode
or XML.ElementNode
respectively. Calling the function on other nodes will cause a catchable exception to be thrown.
XMLNode XMLNode.selectSingleNode(XPathExpression)
This function evaluates a given XPath.Expression
on an XMLNode
object's parent document and retrieves the first XMLNode
object the evaluation returns, or (if given XPath exptession doesn't evaluate anything) null
will be beturned.
jsTupelOfValues xmlNode.selectNodes(XPath.Expression)
This function evaluates an XPath.Expression
on an XMLNode
object's parent document and returns a list of XMLNode
jsValue XMLNode.getSingleValueByXPath(XPathExpression)
This function evaluates a given XPath.Expression
on an XMLNode
object's parent document and retrieves the content of the first XMLNode
object the evaluation returns. So return type varies, depending on the type of content the returned XMLNode
object contains. If the evaluation won't return any nodes, it will return null.
jsTupelOfValues XMLNode.getValuesByXPath(XPath.Expression)
This function evaluates an XPath.Expression
on an XMLNode
object's parent document and returns a JavaScript tuple, which elements are either: directly that contents which are contained in the returned XMLNode
objects, or, if evaluation may return XMLNode
objects which contain just a subtree of even more XMLNode
objects as children, these nodes then are contained in the tuple 'as are'.
Boolean xmlNode.isNull
This read-only node property is true
if the node is a null node; otherwise it is false
XMLNode xmlNode.nextSibling
This read-only node property holds this node's next sibling node (which will be a null node if this node has no next sibling).
String xmlNode.nodeName
This node property holds the node's name, which is the tag name for element nodes. For the document node the node name is always "<anonymous xml document>".
Integer xmlNode.nodeType
This node property holds the node's type as enum value. The possible type values are:
- 0 :
- 1 :
- 2 :
- 3 :
- 4 :
- 5 :
String xmlNode.nodeValue
This node property holds the node's value. The meaning depends on the type of the node as follows:
provides the comment textXML.DeclarationNode
provides an empty textXML.DocumentNode
provides the fixed text "<anonymous xml document>"XML.TextNode
provides the text stringXML.UnknownType
provides the content of the tag
XMLNode xmlNode.parentNode
This node property holds the node's parent node or a null node if this node has no parent. (For example, the document node has no parent.)
String xmlNode.textContent
This node property holds the text contained within this node (which could be an empty string).
Note that this node property does not traverse its child nodes to produce a concatenation of all their texts. For example:
var documentNode = XML.parse("<a>Hello</a>"); var anchorNode = documentNode.firstChild; test.verify(anchorNode.textContent == "Hello"); documentNode = XML.parse("<a><b>Hello</b></a>"); anchorNode = documentNode.firstChild; test.verify(anchorNode.textContent == ""); var boldNode = anchorNode.firstChild; test.verify(boldNode.textContent == "Hello");
Note: This function must only be called on element nodes—those nodes whose nodeType
attribute's value is XML.ElementNode
. Calling the function on non-element nodes will cause a catchable exception to be thrown.
String xmlNode.toXMLString()
This function returns an XML-formatted string representation of the XMLNode
object including tags, attributes and child elements.
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