ScreenRectangle object.globalBounds(object)
This function takes an object
reference (as returned by the Object findObject(objectName) function or by the Object waitForObject(objectOrName) function), and returns the bounding rectangle for the object in screen coordinates as a ScreenRectangle.
These values are identical to what Squish uses during object highlight. The values may however not be identical to toolkit specific geometry information since Squish may further limit the global bounding rectangle to what is really visible on screen (i.e. if parts of an object are clipped away by one of its parent objects).
var obj = waitForObject(":MyWidget"); var rect = object.globalBounds(obj); test.verify(rect.width > 200);
y $obj = waitForObject(":MyWidget"); my $rect = object::globalBounds($obj); test::verify($rect->width > 200);
obj = waitForObject(":MyWidget") rect = object.globalBounds(obj) test.verify(rect.width > 200)
obj = waitForObject(":MyWidget") rect = Squish::Object.globalBounds(obj) Test.verify(rect.width > 200)
set obj [waitForObject ":MyWidget"] set rect [object globalBounds $obj] test verify [expr [property get $rect width] > 200]
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