Note: This function is deprecated unless you disabled tab support. Consider using Object waitForObject(objectOrName) with a realname identifying a particular tab to wait for that tab or use Boolean waitFor(condition) together with Boolean hasFrameContext(browserTab, context) to wait for a particular frame to appear
This function waits until the given context
has been loaded and can be accessed. The context
is a URL for a particular web page displayed in the browser—the page itself may contain its own hierarchy of pages through the use of frame, iframe, and similar elements. (See also, HTML_Array contextList(), String currentContext(), Boolean setFrameContext(browserTab, frameName), Boolean setContext(context), and waitForContextExists(context).)
This function throws a catchable script error if the context name cannot be found within the given timeout. You can change this behavior using the ThrowErrorOnUnknownContextNames
setting in the file etc/webwrapper.ini
. If the setting is set to false this function simply returns true if the given frame context name could be found and activated and false otherwise.
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