Version 6.5.1

Squish 6.5.1 is a maintenance release containing bug fixes for all editions of the product. See the following sections for a detailed list of all changes.


  • Fixed an issue causing dragAndDrop nstatements not being recorded correctly when using a Script-based Object Map.
  • An issue in the script recording functionality was fixed which caused no synchronization statements like Object waitForObject(objectOrName) to be recorded for some asynchronously executing script calls like dragAndDrop.
  • The Object waitForObject(objectOrName) function in Python now accepts Unicode string literals (u"...").
  • Fixed a problem causing replay of BDD test cases to fail with Python 3 in case the step patterns involved non-Latin characters.
  • Fixed an issue in the ApplicationContext attachToApplication(autName) causing it to fail attaching to applications which have many files opened concurrently.

Squish IDE-specific

  • Fixed a problem in the Squish IDE causing no splash screen to be shown on Windows systems.
  • Added support for auto-completing test.attachFile(pathToFile, message) and test.attachDesktopScreenshot(message) in Python and JavaScript scripts.
  • Fixed a problem causing the columns in the Table verification point editor be 0 pixels wide, making them invisible.
  • Added a search field to the Objects view that allows to filter the objects view based on the name of objects, similar to the filter in the Properties view.


  • The language-specific means for importing external modules (e.g. import in Python) now also respect directories specified via the SQUISH_SCRIPT_DIR environment variable when looking up external files.
  • The maximum number of active JavaScript objects was increased to 10 million, avoiding out-of-memory errors in some cases.
  • Fixed various cases in which the Python function dir() would not work as expected (e.g., when applied to global Squish objects such as AUT types, the testSettings module or the Modifier/MouseButton objects).
  • Fixed crash in Python standalone squishtest module when calling test functions without a prior call to squishtest.setTestResult().
  • Fixed replaying Ctrl++ and Command++ key combinations using the nativeType(keys) function.


  • Added support for testing Qt 5.13 applications.
  • Fixed an issue causing script recording to abort unexpectedly when recording interactions with menus created using QtQuick controls 1.4.
  • Fixed an issue due to which signal handler functions would get called even after invoking the uninstallSignalHandler(objectOrName, signalSignature, handlerFunctionName) function.
  • Fixed a problem that could lead to library loading errors for application or system libraries when an AUT is being instrumented by Squish.
  • Added support for calling methods of QObject objects when the method signature involves qint64, quint64, qlonglong or qulonglong arguments.
  • Added support for calling methods and accessing properties of QObject objects that use qint32, quint32, qint16, quin16, short or unsigned short types.
  • Fixed Qt tree model lookups for item texts with escaped dot or underscore characters.
  • Fixed an issue causing Squish for Qt not to launch Qt applications on Windows.



  • Fixed a problem with Webdriver-based browsers (Edge, Chromium, Safari 12) causing HTML_XPathResult HTML_Object.evaluateXPath(statement) to fail when the XPath expression contains two or more non-ASCII characters. Similar issues can arise when using more than two non-ASCII characters in other situations, like setting properties or using the Object evalJS(browserTab, code) command.
  • Fixed a problem with hooking Firefox 68 on Windows. The problem caused the hookup to seem to work, but no browser tab objects were accessible leading to replay and recording errors and the Spy showing no HTML objects.
  • Fixed a problem that would leave Firefox 68 (and newer) running after the test execution ends.
  • Fixed test automation using Microsoft Edge Version 18.
  • Fixed a problem with attaching to a running Chrome browser instance multiple times in the same script.

Windows (native)-specific

  • Fixed an issue causing File Save (or File Open) dialogs not being displayed when executing tests.
  • Fixed the chooseFile(path) function to work as expected for File Save dialogs in Windows Vista and later.
  • Added initial support for Telerik GridView for Windows Forms.
  • Improved object names generated for TableColumn and TableRow objects.
  • Fixed an error raised when replaying test scripts which use the mouseClick(objectOrName) function to click on a ScreenRectangle object while specifying keyboard modifiers.

macOS-specific (Cocoa/Carbon edition)

  • Fixed automating web content in WKWebView objects that are created declaratively in the builder interface.


  • Fixed a crash when starting Tk applications using startaut.

Source Packages

  • Fixed building Squish against a static Qt library on Unix/Linux.
  • Added support for building against static debug builds of Qt using Visual Studio.
  • Improved configure program by making the code for querying qmake variables more robust.

Known Issues

For a list of noteworthy issues which were found after the release of Squish 6.5.1, please see the Known Issues page on the Knowledge Base.

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