
The QDBusPendingCallWatcher class provides a convenient way for waiting for asynchronous replies. More

Inheritance diagram of PySide6.QtDBus.QDBusPendingCallWatcher




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Detailed Description#


This section contains snippets that were automatically translated from C++ to Python and may contain errors.

The QDBusPendingCallWatcher provides the finished() signal that will be emitted when a reply arrives.

It is usually used like the following example:

async = iface.asyncCall("RemoteMethod", value1, value2)
watcher = QDBusPendingCallWatcher(async, self)
QObject.connect(watcher, SIGNAL(finished(QDBusPendingCallWatcher*)),
                 self, SLOT(callFinishedSlot(QDBusPendingCallWatcher*)))

Note that it is not necessary to keep the original QDBusPendingCall object around since QDBusPendingCallWatcher inherits from that class too.

The slot connected to by the above code could be something similar to the following:

def callFinishedSlot(self, call):

    QByteArray> reply = call
    if reply.isError():
        text = reply.argumentAt<0>()
        data = reply.argumentAt<1>()
        showReply(text, data)


Note the use of QDBusPendingReply to validate the argument types in the reply. If the reply did not contain exactly two arguments (one string and one QByteArray ), isError() will return true.

See also


class PySide6.QtDBus.QDBusPendingCallWatcher(call[, parent=None])#

Creates a QDBusPendingCallWatcher object to watch for replies on the asynchronous pending call call and sets this object’s parent to parent.



This signal is emitted when the pending call has finished and its reply is available. The self parameter is a pointer to the object itself, passed for convenience so that the slot can access the properties and determine the contents of the reply.