Annotated Class List
Qt classes with brief descriptions:
Methods for rendering 3D bar graphs | |
Methods for rendering 3D bar graphs | |
Representation of a camera in 3D space | |
Window and render loop for graphs | |
Basic wheel mouse based input handler | |
Representation of a light source in 3D space | |
Simple base class for all the objects in a 3D scene | |
Methods for rendering 3D scatter graphs | |
Methods for rendering 3D scatter graphs | |
Description of the 3D scene being visualized | |
Description of the 3D scene being visualized | |
Methods for rendering 3D surface plots | |
Methods for rendering 3D surface plots | |
Visual style for graphs | |
Base class for the axes of a graph | |
Base class for the axes of a 3D graph | |
Window and render loop for graphs | |
Base class for implementations of input handlers | |
Base class for all data series | |
Base class for all 3D data series | |
The base of all animations | |
Base class used for specialized axis classes | |
Base class used for specialized axis classes | |
Abstract parent class for all bar series classes | |
The abstract base class of button widgets, providing functionality common to buttons | |
Base class for all 3D graph proxies | |
Base class for all data visualization data proxies | |
Interface to manage Qt's event queue | |
Interface for extension factories in Qt Widgets Designer | |
Interface for extension managers in Qt Widgets Designer | |
File icons for the QFileSystemModel class | |
Default implementation for classes that create user interfaces at run-time | |
Common base for all path items | |
Interface for implementing the transport layer of gRPC operations | |
API to subclass to implement an HTTP server | |
Used to display and edit data items from a model | |
The abstract interface for item model classes | |
Serves as a convenience class for Replicas of Sources based on QAbstractItemModel | |
Helps testing QAbstractItemModel subclasses | |
The basic functionality for item view classes | |
Abstract model that can be subclassed to create one-dimensional list models | |
Interface for receiving native events, such as MSG or XCB event structs | |
The interface for cache implementations | |
The base of all implementations of OAuth authentication methods | |
The base of all implementations of OAuth 2 authentication methods | |
Handles replies to OAuth authentication requests | |
The base class of a family of classes that expose all functions for each OpenGL version and profile | |
Base implementation for print dialogs used to configure printers | |
Interface that represents basic functions for serialization/deserialization | |
Base class for proxy item models that can do sorting, filtering or other data processing tasks | |
Scrolling area with on-demand scroll bars | |
Base class for all Qt Chart series | |
Base class for all Qt Graphs for 2D series | |
Integer value within a range | |
The base functionality common to all socket types | |
Spinbox and a line edit to display values | |
The base class of states of a QStateMachine | |
Abstract model that can be subclassed to create table models | |
Abstract base class used to implement custom layouts for QTextDocuments | |
The base class of transitions between QAbstractState objects | |
Abstraction for video data | |
Convenience wrapper around QSensor | |
Convenience wrapper around QSensorFilter | |
Reports on linear acceleration along the X, Y and Z axes | |
Enums and static functions related to accessibility | |
Implements support for invocable actions in the interface | |
Used to request the announcement of a given message by assistive technologies | |
Implements support for reporting attributes for an accessible object | |
Implements support for objects with editable text | |
The base class for accessibility notifications | |
Defines an interface that exposes information about accessible objects | |
Implements parts of the QAccessibleInterface for QObjects | |
Abstract base class for plugins provinding accessibility information for user interface elements | |
Implements support for selection handling | |
Notfies the accessibility framework that the state of an object has changed | |
Implements support for the IAccessibleTable2 Cell interface | |
Implements support for the IAccessibleTable2 interface | |
Signifies a change in a table, list, or tree where cells are added or removed. If the change affected a number of rows, firstColumn and lastColumn will return -1. Likewise for columns, the row functions may return -1 | |
Notifies of cursor movements | |
Notifies of text being inserted | |
Implements support for text handling | |
Notifies of text being deleted | |
Signals a change in the text selection of an object | |
Notifies about text changes. This is for accessibles that support editable text such as line edits. This event occurs for example when a portion of selected text gets replaced by pasting a new text or in override mode of editors | |
Describes a change in value for an accessible object | |
Implements support for objects that manipulate a value | |
Implements the QAccessibleInterface for QWidgets | |
Abstraction for user commands that can be added to different user interface components | |
Event that is generated when a QAction is added, removed, or changed | |
Groups actions together | |
Helper tag class | |
Convenience wrapper around QSensorFilter | |
Represents one reading from the ambient light sensor | |
Convenience wrapper around QSensor | |
A stereo overlay sound | |
Convenience wrapper around QSensorFilter | |
Holds readings of the ambient temperature | |
Convenience wrapper around QSensor | |
Interface used for callbacks from onActivityResult() in the main Android activity | |
Wraps the most important methods of Android Binder class | |
Wraps the most important methods of Android Intent class | |
Wraps the most important methods of Android Parcel class | |
Wraps the most important methods of Android Service class | |
Wraps the most important methods of Android ServiceConnection class | |
Abstract base class for groups of animations | |
Unified view on Latin-1, UTF-8, or UTF-16 strings with a read-only subset of the QString API | |
Manages the GUI application's control flow and main settings | |
Legend marker for an area series | |
Presents data in area charts | |
Presents data in area graphs | |
Iterable interface for an associative container in a QVariant | |
Platform-independent atomic operations on int | |
Platform-independent atomic operations on integers | |
Template class that provides platform-independent atomic operations on pointers | |
Provides a QScopedValueRollback for atomic variables | |
Represents a collection of audio samples with a specific format and sample rate | |
Used for providing custom audio buffers to QMediaRecorder through QMediaCaptureSession | |
Used for capturing audio data provided by QMediaPlayer | |
Implements decoding audio | |
Information about audio devices and their functionality | |
Manages a three dimensional sound field | |
Stores audio stream parameter information | |
Represents an input channel for audio | |
Defines the position and orientation of the person listening to a sound field defined by QAudioEngine | |
Represents an output channel for audio | |
Interface for sending audio data to an audio output device | |
Interface for receiving audio data from an audio input device | |
Authentication object | |
Abstract base class for implementations of additional COM interfaces | |
Abstract class that provides an API to initialize and access a COM object | |
Static properties and signals for QAxObject | |
Static properties and signals for QAxWidget | |
Interface between a QWidget and an ActiveX client | |
Defines a factory for the creation of COM components | |
QObject that wraps a COM object | |
Interface providing common properties of QAxObject and QAxWidget | |
Wrapper around script code | |
Wrapper around a script engine | |
Bridge between application objects and script code | |
Selection dialog for registered COM components | |
QWidget that wraps an ActiveX control | |
Platform-independent big-endian integers | |
Drawing area for QWindow | |
Represents a data series in a 3D bar graph | |
Represents a data series in a 3D bar graph | |
Adds categories to a chart's axes | |
Adds categories to a graph's axes | |
Container for resolved data to be added to bar graphs | |
Container for resolved data to be added to bar graphs | |
The data proxy for a 3D bars graph | |
The data proxy for a 3D bars graph | |
Legend marker for a bar series | |
Model mapper for bar series | |
Presents a series of data as vertical bars grouped by category | |
Presents data in bar graphs | |
Represents one set of bars in a bar graph | |
Represents one set of bars in a bar chart | |
Timer events for objects | |
Wrapper class around binding-enabled properties. It allows type-safe operations while abstracting the differences between the various property classes away | |
Array of bits | |
Monochrome (1-bit depth) pixmaps | |
Assigns an address to the Bluetooth device | |
Discovers the Bluetooth devices nearby | |
Stores information about the Bluetooth device | |
Encapsulates the details of a local QBluetooth device | |
Enables access to the local Bluetooth device | |
Access Bluetooth peripherals | |
Uses the RFCOMM or L2cap protocol to communicate with a Bluetooth device | |
Enables you to query for Bluetooth services | |
Enables access to the attributes of a Bluetooth service | |
Enables connection to a Bluetooth device running a bluetooth server | |
Generates a UUID for each Bluetooth service | |
Lines up child widgets horizontally or vertically | |
Legend marker for a box plot series | |
Presents data in box-and-whiskers charts | |
Represents one item in a box-and-whiskers chart | |
Defines the fill pattern of shapes drawn by QPainter | |
QIODevice interface for a QByteArray | |
Container to organize groups of button widgets | |
Array of bytes | |
List of byte arrays | |
Holds a sequence of bytes that can be quickly matched in a byte array | |
View on an array of bytes with a read-only subset of the QByteArray API | |
Template class that provides a cache | |
Describes calendar systems | |
Access the user's calendar | |
Monthly based calendar widget allowing the user to select a date | |
Interface for system camera devices | |
General information about camera devices | |
Describes a video format supported by a camera device | |
Access the camera for taking pictures or videos | |
Handles registration and creation of bus plugins | |
The interface class for CAN bus | |
Information about CAN bus interfaces | |
Factory class used as the plugin interface for CAN bus plugins | |
Container class representing a single CAN frame | |
Can be used to parse DBC files | |
Can be used to decode a QCanBusFrame or to convert the input data into a QCanBusFrame that is ready to be sent to the receiver | |
Describes the rules to process a CAN message and represent it in an application-defined format | |
Describes the rules to extract one value out of the CAN frame and represent it in an application-defined format | |
Describes the rules for accessing a unique identifier in a QCanBusFrame | |
Legend marker for a candlestick series | |
Abstract model mapper class for candlestick series | |
Presents data as candlesticks | |
Represents a single candlestick item in a candlestick chart | |
Used for getting the basic information of a capturable window | |
Manipulates an axis of a graph | |
Manipulates an axis of a graph | |
Places named ranges on the axis | |
Used to hold an array of CBOR elements | |
Holds the error condition found while parsing or validating a CBOR stream | |
Used to hold an associative container representable in CBOR | |
Used by QCborValue to report a parsing error | |
Simple CBOR stream decoder, operating on either a QByteArray or QIODevice | |
Simple CBOR encoder operating on a one-way stream | |
Encapsulates a value in CBOR | |
16-bit Unicode character | |
Manages the graphical representation of the chart's series, legends, and axes | |
Standalone widget that can display charts | |
Checkbox with a text label | |
Contains event parameters for child object events | |
Contains event parameters for child window changes | |
Repetitive and single-shot timers | |
Access to the window system clipboard | |
Contains parameters that describe a close event | |
Allows the application to send CoAP requests and receive replies | |
Holds information about a CoAP message that can be a request or a reply | |
Holds data about CoAP options | |
Interface for managing CoAP security keys | |
Holds the data of a CoAP reply | |
Holds a CoAP request. This request can be sent with QCoapClient | |
Holds information about a discovered resource | |
Holds the data of a CoAP reply for a resource discovery request | |
Holds configuration options during the authentication process | |
Compares strings according to a localized collation algorithm | |
Can be used to speed up string collation | |
Colors based on RGB, HSV or CMYK values | |
Displays a color scale as one of the chart's axes | |
Dialog widget for specifying colors | |
Color space abstraction | |
Transformation between color spaces | |
Maps device independent QColors to device dependent pixel values | |
Model/view implementation of a column view | |
Combines a button with a dropdown list | |
Defines a possible command-line option | |
Means for handling the command line options | |
Vista style command link button | |
Encapsulates the common Look and Feel of a GUI | |
Convenience wrapper around QSensor | |
Convenience wrapper around QSensorFilter | |
Represents one reading from a compass | |
Completions based on an item model | |
Access to the details about a compressed help file | |
Proxies multiple source models, concatenating their rows | |
Used in combination with QBrush to specify a conical gradient brush | |
Allows iteration over a container in a QVariant | |
Access the user's contacts | |
Contains parameters that describe a context menu event | |
Template class that provides a contiguous cache | |
Event loop for Qt applications without UI | |
Way to generate cryptographic hashes | |
Mouse cursor with an arbitrary shape | |
Adds a custom item to a graph | |
Adds a custom item to a graph | |
Adds a custom label to a graph | |
Adds a custom label to a graph | |
Adds a volume rendered object to a graph | |
Adds a volume rendered object to a graph | |
The base class of D-Bus adaptor classes | |
The base class for all D-Bus interfaces in the Qt D-Bus binding, allowing access to remote interfaces | |
Used to marshall and demarshall D-Bus arguments | |
Represents a connection to the D-Bus bus daemon | |
Access to the D-Bus bus daemon service | |
Allows slots to determine the D-Bus context of the calls | |
Represents an error received from the D-Bus bus or from remote applications found in the bus | |
Proxy for interfaces on remote objects | |
Represents one message sent or received over the D-Bus bus | |
Enables the programmer to identify the OBJECT_PATH type provided by the D-Bus typesystem | |
Refers to one pending asynchronous call | |
Convenient way for waiting for asynchronous replies | |
Contains the reply to an asynchronous method call | |
Stores the reply for a method call to a remote object | |
Peer-to-peer communication between processes on the same computer | |
Allows the user to watch for a bus service change | |
Enables the programmer to identify the SIGNATURE type provided by the D-Bus typesystem | |
Holds one Unix file descriptor | |
Enables the programmer to identify the variant type provided by the D-Bus typesystem | |
Used to handle several DBus paths with one class | |
Serialization of binary data to a QIODevice | |
Mapping between a section of a data model to widgets | |
Date functions | |
Widget for editing dates based on the QDateTimeEdit widget | |
Date and time functions | |
Adds dates and times to a chart's axis | |
Adds support for DateTime values to be added to a graph's axis | |
Widget for editing dates and times | |
Marks a deadline in the future | |
Output stream for debugging information | |
Convenience class for custom QDebug operators | |
Allows you to change the focus of Qt Widgets Designer's action editor | |
Allows you to add pages to a custom multi-page container in Qt Widgets Designer's workspace | |
Allows you to include several custom widgets in one single library | |
Enables Qt Widgets Designer to access and construct custom widgets | |
Allows you to manipulate a widget's dynamic properties in Qt Widgets Designer's property editor | |
Allows you to access Qt Widgets Designer's various components | |
Allows you to query and modify a form window's widget selection, and in addition modify the properties of all the form's widgets | |
Allows you to query and manipulate form windows appearing in Qt Widgets Designer's workspace | |
Allows you to manipulate the collection of form windows in Qt Widgets Designer, and control Qt Widgets Designer's form editing actions | |
Allows you to manipulate a widget's member functions which is displayed when configuring connections using Qt Widgets Designer's mode for editing signals and slots | |
Allows you to change the focus of Qt Widgets Designer's object inspector | |
Allows you to query and manipulate the current state of Qt Widgets Designer's property editor | |
Allows you to manipulate a widget's properties which is displayed in Qt Designer's property editor | |
Allows you to add custom menu entries to Qt Widgets Designer's task menu | |
Allows you to control the contents of Qt Widgets Designer's widget box | |
Methods for accessing common desktop services | |
Rounded range control (like a speedometer or potentiometer) | |
The base class of dialog windows | |
Widget that presents buttons in a layout that is appropriate to the current widget style | |
Access to directory structures and their contents | |
Iterator for directory entrylists | |
STL-style iterator for directory entries | |
Stores information about a domain name record | |
Stores information about a host address record | |
Represents a DNS lookup | |
Stores information about a DNS MX record | |
Stores information about a DNS SRV record | |
Stores information about a DNS TXT record | |
Stores information about a DNS TLSA record | |
Widget that can be docked inside a QMainWindow or floated as a top-level window on the desktop | |
Represents one attribute of a QDomElement | |
Represents an XML CDATA section | |
Represents a generic string in the DOM | |
Represents an XML comment | |
Represents an XML document | |
Tree of QDomNodes which is not usually a complete QDomDocument | |
The representation of the DTD in the document tree | |
Represents one element in the DOM tree | |
Represents an XML entity | |
Represents an XML entity reference | |
Information about the features of the DOM implementation | |
Contains a collection of nodes that can be accessed by name | |
The base class for all the nodes in a DOM tree | |
List of QDomNode objects | |
Represents an XML notation | |
Represents an XML processing instruction | |
Represents text data in the parsed XML document | |
Spin box widget that takes doubles | |
Range checking of floating-point numbers | |
Support for MIME-based drag and drop data transfer | |
Event which is sent to a widget when a drag and drop action enters it | |
Event that is sent to a widget when a drag and drop action leaves it | |
Event which is sent while a drag and drop action is in progress | |
Event which is sent when a drag and drop action is completed | |
This class provides encryption for UDP sockets | |
This class implements server-side DTLS cookie generation and verification | |
Contains event parameters for dynamic property change events | |
Easing curves for controlling animation | |
Fast way to calculate elapsed times | |
A base class that allows obtaining a QSharedPointer for an object already managed by a shared pointer | |
Contains parameters that describe an enter event | |
Error message display dialog | |
The base class of all event classes. Event objects contain event parameters | |
Means of entering and leaving an event loop | |
Means to quit an event loop when it is no longer needed | |
Information about a point in a QPointerEvent | |
QObject-specific transition for Qt events | |
Base class for exceptions that can be transferred across threads | |
Represents a pointer to an explicitly shared object | |
Contains event parameters for expose events | |
Allows you to create a factory that is able to make instances of custom extensions in Qt Designer | |
Extension management facilities for Qt Widgets Designer | |
Interface for reading from and writing to files | |
Interface for reading from and writing to open files | |
Dialog that allows users to select files or directories | |
File icons for the QFileSystemModel class | |
OS-independent API to retrieve information about file system entries | |
Event that will be sent when there is a request to open a file or a URL | |
Convenient way of selecting file variants | |
Data model for the local filesystem | |
Interface for monitoring files and directories for modifications | |
Final state | |
Helper data type for QFlags | |
Type-safe way of storing OR-combinations of enum values | |
Contains event parameters for widget focus events | |
Focus frame which can be outside of a widget's normal paintable area | |
Specifies a query for a font used for drawing text | |
Combobox that lets the user select a font family | |
Information about the fonts available in the underlying window system | |
Dialog widget for selecting a font | |
General information about fonts | |
Font metrics information | |
Font metrics information | |
Represents a variable axis in a font | |
Used to dynamically construct user interfaces from UI files at run-time | |
Convenience class to simplify the construction of QHttpMultiPart objects | |
Convenience class to simplify the construction of QHttpPart objects | |
Manages forms of input widgets and their associated labels | |
The base class of widgets that can have a frame | |
Represents the result of an asynchronous computation | |
Java-style const iterator for QFuture | |
Convenience class that simplifies QFuture synchronization | |
Allows monitoring a QFuture using signals and slots | |
Internal helper class for marshalling arguments | |
Template class that represents a NxM transformation matrix with N columns and M rows | |
Abstract base class for plugins | |
Creates plugin drivers | |
Internal helper class for marshalling arguments | |
Represents an address of a QGeoLocation | |
Describes the parameters of an area or region to be monitored for proximity | |
Enables the detection of proximity changes for a specified set of coordinates | |
Defines a circular geographic area | |
Manages an operation started by an instance of QGeoCodingManager | |
Support for geocoding operations | |
Interface and convenience methods to implementers of QGeoServiceProvider plugins who want to provide support for geocoding operations | |
Defines a geographical position on the surface of the Earth | |
Represents basic information about a location | |
Represents the information relevant to the point at which two QGeoRouteSegments meet | |
Defines a geographic path | |
Defines a geographic polygon | |
Contains information gathered on a global position, direction and velocity at a particular point in time | |
Abstract base class for the distribution of positional updates | |
Factory class used as the plugin interface for external providers of positioning data | |
Defines a rectangular geographic area | |
Represents a route between two points | |
Manages an operation started by an instance of QGeoRoutingManager | |
Represents the parameters and restrictions which define a request for routing information | |
Represents a segment of a route | |
Support for geographic routing operations | |
Interface and convenience methods to implementers of QGeoServiceProvider plugins who want to provide access to geographic routing information | |
Contains basic information about a satellite | |
Abstract base class for the distribution of satellite information updates | |
Aggregates access to services which provide geographical information | |
Defines a geographic area | |
Represents a gesture, containing properties that describe the corresponding user input | |
The description of triggered gestures | |
The infrastructure for gesture recognition | |
Used to implement a global static object | |
Direct access to the internal glyphs in a font | |
Used in combination with QBrush to specify gradient fills | |
Represents an anchor between two items in a QGraphicsAnchorLayout | |
Layout where one can anchor widgets together in Graphics View | |
Blur effect | |
Colorize effect | |
Drop shadow effect | |
The base class for all graphics effects | |
Ellipse item that you can add to a QGraphicsScene | |
Grid layout for managing widgets in Graphics View | |
The base class for all graphical items in a QGraphicsScene | |
Container that treats a group of items as a single item | |
The base class for all layouts in Graphics View | |
Can be inherited to allow your custom items to be managed by layouts | |
Line item that you can add to a QGraphicsScene | |
Horizontal or vertical layout for managing widgets in Graphics View | |
Base class for all graphics items that require signals, slots and properties | |
Opacity effect | |
Path item that you can add to a QGraphicsScene | |
Pixmap item that you can add to a QGraphicsScene | |
Polygon item that you can add to a QGraphicsScene | |
Proxy layer for embedding a QWidget in a QGraphicsScene | |
Rectangle item that you can add to a QGraphicsScene | |
Rotation transformation around a given axis | |
Scale transformation | |
Surface for managing a large number of 2D graphical items | |
Context menu events in the graphics view framework | |
Events for drag and drop in the graphics view framework | |
Base class for all graphics view related events | |
Events when a tooltip is requested | |
Hover events in the graphics view framework | |
Mouse events in the graphics view framework | |
Events for widget moving in the graphics view framework | |
Events for widget resizing in the graphics view framework | |
Wheel events in the graphics view framework | |
Simple text path item that you can add to a QGraphicsScene | |
QGraphicsItem that can be used to render the contents of SVG files | |
Text item that you can add to a QGraphicsScene to display formatted text | |
Abstract base class for building advanced transformations on QGraphicsItems | |
Graphics item which display video produced by a QMediaPlayer or QCamera | |
Widget for displaying the contents of a QGraphicsScene | |
The base class for all widget items in a QGraphicsScene | |
Visual style for graphs | |
Implements the Gregorian calendar | |
Lays out widgets in a grid | |
Group box frame with a title | |
Access in handling bidirectional-streaming RPCs | |
Offers various options for fine-tuning individual RPCs | |
Access in handling unary RPCs | |
Offers various options for fine-tuning a gRPC channel | |
Serves as base for generated client interfaces | |
Access in handling client-streaming RPCs | |
HTTP/2 transport layer for gRPC communication | |
Common operations to handle the gRPC communication from the client side | |
Context for communication between an individual gRPC operation and a channel | |
Holds the protobuf message serializer and the associated content-type suffix | |
Access in handling server-streaming RPCs | |
Combines a StatusCode and a string message | |
Manages the GUI application's control flow and main settings | |
Convenience wrapper around QSensor | |
Convenience wrapper around QSensorFilter | |
Represents one reading from the gyroscope sensor | |
Horizontal model mapper for bar series | |
Lines up widgets horizontally | |
Horizontal model mapper for box plot series | |
Horizontal model mapper for a candlestick series | |
Horizontal model mapper for pie series | |
Horizontal model mapper for line, spline, and scatter series | |
Template class that provides a hash-table-based dictionary | |
Java-style const iterator for QHash and QMultiHash | |
Header row or header column for item views | |
Base proxy class for Q3DSurface | |
Base proxy class for Q3DSurfaceWidgetItem | |
Item for use with QHelpContentModel | |
Model that supplies content to views | |
Tree view for displaying help content model items | |
Access to contents and indices of the help engine | |
The core functionality of the help system | |
Event that is used to request helpful information about a particular point in a widget | |
Details for the filters used by QHelpFilterEngine | |
Filtered view of the help contents | |
Widget that allows for creating, editing and removing filters | |
Model that supplies index keywords to views | |
List view displaying the QHelpIndexModel | |
Struct provides the data associated with a help link | |
Access to widgets reusable to integrate fulltext search as well as to index and search documentation | |
Access to index and search documentation | |
Simple line edit or an advanced widget to enable the user to input a search term in a standardized input mask | |
The data associated with the search result | |
Text browser to display search results | |
Event which is sent after a widget is hidden | |
Means of returning to a previously active substate | |
Presents a series of data as horizontal bars grouped by category | |
Presents a series of categorized data as a percentage of each category | |
Presents a series of data as horizontally stacked bars, with one bar per category | |
IP address | |
Static functions for host name lookups | |
Contains parameters that describe a mouse event | |
Specifies that a host supports HTTP Strict Transport Security policy (HSTS) | |
Controls HTTP/1 parameters and settings | |
Controls HTTP/2 parameters and settings | |
Class for holding HTTP headers | |
Resembles a MIME multipart message to be sent over HTTP | |
Holds a body part to be used inside a HTTP multipart MIME message | |
Simplified API for QAbstractHttpServer and QHttpServerRouter | |
Controls server parameters | |
Encapsulates an HTTP request | |
API for sending replies from an HTTP server | |
Encapsulates an HTTP response | |
Provides functions to bind a path to a ViewHandler | |
The base class for QHttpServerRouter rules | |
Response to return when verifying WebSocket upgrades on HTTP server | |
Convenience wrapper around QSensorFilter | |
Holds readings from the humidity sensor | |
Convenience wrapper around QSensor | |
The base interface class of all I/O devices in Qt | |
Base class for QIODevice that provides flags describing the mode in which a device is opened | |
Scalable icons in different modes and states | |
Indicates that a main icon drag has begun | |
Abstract base class for QIcon renderers | |
Abstract base for custom QIconEngine plugins | |
Proxies its source model unmodified | |
Hardware-independent image representation that allows direct access to the pixel data, and can be used as a paint device | |
Used for the recording of media content | |
Defines the common image I/O interface for all image formats in Qt | |
Defines an interface for writing an image format plugin | |
Format independent interface for reading images from files or other devices | |
Format independent interface for writing images to files or other devices | |
Describes a device from which a QInputEvent originates | |
Simple convenience dialog to get a single value from the user | |
The base class for events that describe user input | |
Access to the active text input method | |
Parameters for input method events | |
Event sent by the input context to input objects | |
Validator that ensures a string contains a valid integer within a specified range | |
Display and editing facilities for data items from a model | |
Makes it possible to create item editor creator bases without subclassing QItemEditorCreatorBase | |
Abstract base class that must be subclassed when implementing new item editor creators | |
Widgets for editing item data in views and delegates | |
Proxy class for presenting data in item models with Q3DBarsWidgetItem | |
Proxy class for presenting data in item models with Q3DBars | |
Proxy class for presenting data in item models with Q3DScatter | |
Proxy class for presenting data in item models with Q3DScatterWidgetItem | |
Proxy class for presenting data in item models with Q3DSurface | |
Proxy class for presenting data in item models with Q3DSurfaceWidgetItem | |
Manages information about selected items in a model | |
Keeps track of a view's selected items | |
Manages information about a range of selected items in a model | |
Template class that is the base class for QSequentialIterable and QAssociativeIterable | |
Template class that allows iteration over a container in a QVariant | |
Environment for evaluating JavaScript code | |
Represents a value on the JavaScript heap belonging to a QJSEngine | |
An empty marker type to signify the JavaScript null value | |
An empty marker type to signify the JavaScript Undefined type and its single value | |
Operates on primitive types in JavaScript semantics | |
Acts as a container for Qt/JavaScript data types | |
Java-style iterator for QJSValue | |
Jalali (Hijri Shamsi) calendar system implementation | |
Template class that represents an array in Java | |
Common, type-independent APIs for QJniArray | |
Access to the JNI Environment (JNIEnv) | |
A convenience wrapper around the Java Native Interface (JNI) | |
Encapsulates a JSON array | |
Way to read and write JSON documents | |
Encapsulates a JSON object | |
Used to report errors during JSON parsing | |
Encapsulates a value in JSON | |
Julian calendar system implementation | |
Stores a combination of a key with optional modifiers | |
Describes a key event | |
Transition for key events | |
Encapsulates a key sequence as used by shortcuts | |
Allows to input a QKeySequence | |
Iterator over the key/value pairs of an associative container | |
Displays a number with LCD-like digits | |
Platform-independent little-endian integers | |
Text or image display | |
8-bit ASCII/Latin-1 character | |
The same as QLatin1StringView | |
Optimized search for substring in Latin-1 text | |
Thin wrapper around a US-ASCII/Latin-1 encoded string literal | |
The base class of geometry managers | |
Abstract item that a QLayout manipulates | |
Displays the legend of a chart | |
Struct contains information to display on a sets legend marker | |
Abstract object that can be used to access markers within a legend | |
Loads shared libraries at runtime | |
Information about the Qt library | |
Convenience wrapper around QSensorFilter | |
Represents one reading from the light sensor | |
Convenience wrapper around QSensor | |
Two-dimensional vector using integer precision | |
One-line text editor | |
Two-dimensional vector using floating point precision | |
Presents data in line charts | |
Presents data in line graphs | |
Used in combination with QBrush to specify a linear gradient brush | |
Template class that provides linked lists | |
Java-style const iterator for QLinkedList | |
Template class that provides a dynamic array | |
Java-style const iterator for QList and QQueue | |
List or icon view onto a model | |
Item-based list widget | |
Item for use with the QListWidget item view class | |
Local socket based server | |
Local socket | |
Converts between numbers and their string representations in various languages | |
Access the user's location | |
Locking between processes using a file | |
Formatting rules for a logarithmic value axis | |
Formatting rules for a logarithmic value axis | |
Adds a logarithmic scale to a chart's axis | |
Represents a category, or 'area' in the logging infrastructure | |
Represents the data to be broadcast during Bluetooth Low Energy advertising | |
Represents the parameters used for Bluetooth Low Energy advertising | |
Stores information about a Bluetooth Low Energy service characteristic | |
Used to set up GATT service data | |
Used when requesting or reporting an update of the parameters of a Bluetooth LE connection | |
Access to Bluetooth Low Energy Devices | |
Stores information about the Bluetooth Low Energy descriptor | |
Used to create GATT service data | |
Represents an individual service on a Bluetooth Low Energy Device | |
Used to set up GATT service data | |
Convenience wrapper around QSensor | |
Convenience wrapper around QSensorFilter | |
Represents one reading from the magnetometer | |
Main application window | |
Template class that provides an associative array | |
Java-style const iterator for QMap | |
Defines the four margins of a rectangle | |
Defines the four margins of a rectangle | |
Abstract base for custom 32-bit mask generators | |
Represents a 4x4 transformation matrix in 3D space | |
Area in which MDI windows are displayed | |
Subwindow class for QMdiArea | |
Allows capturing of audio and video content | |
Information about available multimedia input and output devices | |
Describes an encoding format for a multimedia file or stream | |
Provides meta-data for media files | |
Allows the playing of a media files | |
Used for encoding and recording a capture session | |
Represents a set of zero or more disjoint time intervals | |
Menu widget for use in menu bars, context menus, and other popup menus | |
Horizontal menu bar | |
Way to generate hash-based message authentication codes | |
Modal dialog for informing the user or for asking the user a question and receiving an answer | |
Additional information about a log message | |
Generates log messages | |
Additional information about a class | |
Common functionality for sequential and associative containers | |
Meta-data about an enumerator | |
Meta-data about a member function | |
Contains meta-information about Qt objects | |
Meta-data about a property | |
Allows type erased access to sequential containers | |
Manages named types in the meta-object system | |
Access the microphone for monitoring or recording sound | |
Milanković calendar system implementation | |
Container for data that records information about its MIME type | |
Maintains a database of MIME types | |
Describes types of file or data, represented by a MIME type string | |
The interface to send Modbus requests | |
Container class representing single bit and 16 bit word entries in the Modbus register | |
The base class for Modbus classes, QModbusServer and QModbusClient | |
Container class representing the physical and functional description of a Modbus server | |
Container class containing the function and error code inside a Modbus ADU | |
Abstract container class containing the function code and payload that is stored inside a Modbus ADU | |
Contains the data for a request sent with a QModbusClient derived class | |
Container class containing the function code and payload that is stored inside a Modbus ADU | |
Container class containing the function code and payload that is stored inside a Modbus ADU | |
Represents a Modbus client that uses a serial bus for its communication with the Modbus server | |
Represents a Modbus server that uses a serial port for its communication with the Modbus client | |
The interface to receive and process Modbus requests | |
The interface class for Modbus TCP client device | |
Represents the interface for objects that can be passed to QModbusTcpServer::installConnectionObserver | |
Represents a Modbus server that uses a TCP server for its communication with the Modbus client | |
Used to locate data in a data model | |
Holds a role and the data associated to that role | |
Span over QModelRoleData objects | |
Contains parameters that describe a mouse event | |
Transition for mouse events | |
Contains event parameters for move events | |
Convenience class for playing movies with QImageReader | |
Represents configuration options during the authentication process | |
Represents the central access communicating with an MQTT broker | |
Represents configuration options a QMqttClient can pass to the server when invoking QMqttClient::connectToHost() | |
Represents configuration options a QMqttClient can pass to the server when specifying the last will during connecting to a server | |
Information about a message received from a message broker based on a subscription | |
Represents additional information provided by the server during message delivery | |
Represents configuration options for sending or receiving a message | |
Represents configuration options of a server a QMqttClient is connected to | |
Represents the string pair data type of the MQTT 5.0 standard | |
Receives notifications from an MQTT broker about a specified topic | |
Represents configuration options a QMqttClient can pass to the server when subscribing to a topic filter | |
Represents a MQTT topic filter | |
Represents a MQTT topic name | |
Represents configuration options a QMqttClient can pass to the server when unsubscribing from a topic filter | |
Represents a list of QMqttStringPair values which can be passed to the server | |
Multi-valued hash table | |
Template class that provides an associative array with multiple equivalent keys | |
Java-style const iterator for QMultiMap. QMultiMap has both Java-style iterators and STL-style iterators. STL-style iterators are more efficient and should be preferred | |
Java-style non-const iterator for QHash and QMultiHash | |
Java-style non-const iterator for QLinkedList | |
Java-style non-const iterator for QList, QQueue and QStack | |
Java-style non-const iterator for QMap | |
Java-style non-const iterator for QMultiMap | |
Java-style non-const iterator for QSet | |
Access serialization between threads | |
Convenience class that simplifies locking and unlocking mutexes | |
Contains parameters that describe a gesture event | |
Native interface to a core application on Android | |
Native interface to a offscreen surface on Android | |
Native interface to a screen | |
Native interface to an NSOpenGLContext on macOS | |
Native interface to an EGL context | |
Native interface to a GLX context | |
Provides access to and enables adopting Direct3D 11 texture objects | |
Provides access to and enables adopting Direct3D 12 texture objects | |
Provides access to and enables adopting Metal texture objects | |
Provides access to and enables adopting OpenGL texture objects | |
Provides access to and enables adopting Vulkan image objects | |
Native interface to a WGL context on Windows | |
Native interface to a Wayland application | |
Native interface to a screen on Wayland | |
Native interface to a screen | |
Native interface to an X11 application | |
Holds a native key used by QSystemSemaphore and QSharedMemory | |
Filter for matching NDEF messages | |
NFC NDEF message | |
NFC MIME record to hold an icon | |
NFC RTD-SmartPoster | |
NFC RTD-Text | |
NFC NDEF record | |
Access to notifications for NFC events | |
Interface for communicating with a target device | |
Allows the application to send network requests and receive replies | |
Stores one IP address supported by a network interface, along with its associated netmask and broadcast address | |
Cache information | |
Holds one network cookie | |
Implements a simple jar of QNetworkCookie objects | |
The data and metadata of a UDP datagram | |
Very basic disk cache | |
Exposes various network information through native backends | |
Listing of the host's IP addresses and network interfaces | |
Network layer proxy | |
Fine-grained proxy selection | |
Used to query the proxy settings for a socket | |
Contains the data and headers for a request sent with QNetworkAccessManager | |
Holds a request to be sent with QNetworkAccessManager | |
Convenience class for grouping remote server endpoints that share common network request properties | |
Positional information using a NMEA data source | |
Satellite information using an NMEA data source | |
RAII class to manage NTFS permission checking | |
Implementation of the OAuth 1 Protocol | |
Implements OAuth 1 signature methods | |
Implementation of the Authorization Code Grant flow | |
Implementation of the Device Authorization Grant flow | |
Handles loopback redirects by setting up a local HTTP server | |
Handles private/custom and https URI scheme redirects | |
The base class of all Qt objects | |
Template class that enables automatic property bindings for property data stored in QObject derived classes | |
Watches the lifetime of multiple QObjects | |
Template class to help port old properties to the bindable property system | |
This class represents Online Certificate Status Protocol response | |
Represents an offscreen surface in the underlying platform | |
This class stores the necessary information to create a new node on the server | |
This class stores the necessary information to add a new reference on the server | |
OPC UA ApplicationDescription | |
Defines the identity of the application | |
OPC UA ApplicationRecordDataType | |
OPC UA Argument type | |
OPC UA AttributeOperand type | |
OPC UA authentication information | |
OPC UA AxisInformation type | |
Partial implementation of the OPC UA binary data encoding described in OPC UA part 6 | |
OPC UA BrowsePathTarget | |
Contains parameters for a call to the OPC UA browse service | |
Allows interaction with an OPC UA server | |
OPC UA ComplexNumber type | |
Common parameters for a connection to a server | |
OPC UA ContentFilterElement | |
OPC UA ContentFilterElementResult | |
This class stores OPC UA value data and associated metadata | |
This class stores the necessary information to delete a reference from the server | |
Models the OPC UA built-in type DiagnosticInfo | |
OPC UA DoubleComplexNumber type | |
OPC UA EURange type | |
OPC UA ElementOperand type | |
OPC UA EndpointDescription | |
OPC UA EnumDefinition type | |
OPC UA StructureDefinition type | |
Allows investigation and interaction with error state from backends | |
OPCUA EventFilterResult | |
OPC UA ExpandedNodeId | |
OPC UA ExtensionObject | |
Handles communication with the GDS Server | |
Reads a server's data types and decodes/encodes generic structs from/to extension objects | |
Holds the value of a generic OPC UA structured type | |
This class stores historical data values from a node | |
This class stores historical events from a node | |
This class stores the necessary information to request historic data from a server | |
This class stores the necessary information to request historic data from a server | |
This class is used for requesting historical data and storing the results | |
Handles private and public key pairs | |
OPC UA LiteralOperand type | |
OPC UA LocalizedText type | |
Way to set and retrieve parameters for subscriptions and monitored items | |
A container class for multidimensional arrays | |
Allows interaction with an OPC UA node | |
This class manages attribute values for node creation | |
Defines the PKI configuration of the application | |
Creates an instance of QOpcUaClient | |
OPC UA QualifiedName type | |
OPC UA Range type | |
This class stores the options for a read operation | |
This class stores the result of a read operation | |
Contains information about a node | |
OPC UA RelativePathElement | |
OPC UA SimpleAttributeOperand type | |
OPC UA StructureDefinition type | |
OPC UA StructureField type | |
OPC UA UserTokenPolicy | |
OPC UA Variant | |
This class stores the options for a write operation | |
This class stores the result of a write operation | |
Create a certificate signing request | |
Information about a distinguished name item | |
Base class for all X509 extensions | |
Class for X509 basic constraints | |
Class for X509 extended key usage | |
Class for X509 extended key usage | |
Class for an X509 subject alternative name | |
OPC UA XVType | |
Functions for creating and managing OpenGL buffer objects | |
Represents a native OpenGL context, enabling OpenGL rendering on a QSurface | |
Represents a group of contexts sharing OpenGL resources | |
Enables logging of OpenGL debugging messages | |
Wraps an OpenGL debug message | |
Cross-platform access to the OpenGL ES 3.0, 3.1 and 3.2 API | |
Encapsulates an OpenGL framebuffer object | |
Specifies the format of an OpenGL framebuffer object | |
Cross-platform access to the OpenGL ES 2.0 API | |
All functions for OpenGL 1.0 specification | |
All functions for OpenGL 1.1 specification | |
All functions for OpenGL 1.2 specification | |
All functions for OpenGL 1.3 specification | |
All functions for OpenGL 1.4 specification | |
All functions for OpenGL 1.5 specification | |
All functions for OpenGL 2.0 specification | |
All functions for OpenGL 2.1 specification | |
All functions for OpenGL 3.0 specification | |
All functions for OpenGL 3.1 specification | |
All functions for OpenGL 3.2 compatibility profile | |
All functions for OpenGL 3.2 core profile | |
All functions for OpenGL 3.3 compatibility profile | |
All functions for OpenGL 3.3 core profile | |
All functions for OpenGL 4.0 compatibility profile | |
All functions for OpenGL 4.0 core profile | |
All functions for OpenGL 4.1 compatibility profile | |
All functions for OpenGL 4.1 core profile | |
All functions for OpenGL 4.2 compatibility profile | |
All functions for OpenGL 4.2 core profile | |
All functions for OpenGL 4.3 compatibility profile | |
All functions for OpenGL 4.3 core profile | |
All functions for OpenGL 4.4 compatibility profile | |
All functions for OpenGL 4.4 core profile | |
All functions for OpenGL 4.5 compatibility profile | |
All functions for OpenGL 4.5 core profile | |
All functions for OpenGL ES 2 | |
Enables painting to an OpenGL context using QPainter | |
Describes the pixel storage modes that affect the unpacking of pixels during texture upload | |
Allows OpenGL shaders to be compiled | |
Allows OpenGL shader programs to be linked and used | |
Encapsulates an OpenGL texture object | |
Convenient way to draw textured quads via OpenGL | |
Wraps a sequence of OpenGL timer query objects | |
Wraps an OpenGL timer query object | |
Provides access to OpenGL functions for a specified version and profile | |
Represents the version and if applicable the profile of an OpenGL context | |
Wraps an OpenGL Vertex Array Object | |
Widget for rendering OpenGL graphics | |
Convenience subclass of QWindow to perform OpenGL painting | |
Information about the operating system version | |
Convenience wrapper around QSensorFilter | |
Represents one reading from the orientation sensor | |
Convenience wrapper around QSensor | |
Describes the size, orientation and margins of a page | |
Represents a collection of page ranges | |
Configuration dialog for the page-related options on a printer | |
Describes the size and name of a defined page size | |
Represents a paint device that supports multiple pages | |
The base class of objects that can be painted on with QPainter | |
Convenience subclass of QWindow that is also a QPaintDevice | |
Abstract definition of how QPainter draws to a given device on a given platform | |
Information about the active paint engine's current state | |
Contains event parameters for paint events | |
Performs low-level painting on widgets and other paint devices | |
Container for painting operations, enabling graphical shapes to be constructed and reused | |
Used to generate fillable outlines for a given painter path | |
RAII convenience class for balanced QPainter::save() and QPainter::restore() calls | |
Contains color groups for each widget state | |
Describes a panning gesture made by the user | |
Parallel group of animations | |
Represents the result of a comparison that allows for unordered results | |
Pause for QSequentialAnimationGroup | |
Holds a tree of of links (anchors) within a PDF document, such as the table of contents | |
Loads a PDF document and renders pages from it | |
Holds the options to render a page from a PDF document | |
Defines a link between a region on a page (such as a hyperlink or a search result) and a destination (page, location on the page, and zoom level at which to view it) | |
Holds the geometry and the destination for each link that the specified page contains | |
Navigation history within a PDF document | |
Encapsulates the rendering of pages of a PDF document | |
A widget for selecting a PDF page | |
Searches for a string in a PDF document and holds the results | |
Defines a range of text that has been selected on one page in a PDF document, and its geometric boundaries | |
A PDF viewer widget | |
Class to generate PDFs that can be used as a paint device | |
Defines how a QPainter should draw lines and outlines of shapes | |
Presents a series of categorized data as a percentage of each category | |
An opaque wrapper of a typed permission | |
Used to locate data in a data model | |
Paint device that records and replays QPainter commands | |
Legend marker for a pie series | |
Model mapper for pie series | |
Presents data in pie graphs | |
Presents data in pie charts | |
Represents a single slice in a pie series | |
Represents a single slice in a pie series | |
Describes a pinch gesture made by the user | |
Class for describing different pixel layouts in graphics buffers | |
Off-screen image representation that can be used as a paint device | |
Application-wide cache for pixmaps | |
Represents a set of data about a place | |
Represents generic attribute information about a place | |
Represents a category that a QPlace can be associated with | |
Represents a contact detail such as a phone number or website url | |
Holds content about places | |
Manages a content retrieval operation started by an instance of QPlaceManager | |
Represents the parameters of a content request | |
Manages a place details fetch operation started by an instance of QPlaceManager | |
Represents an icon | |
Manages operations which return an identifier such as saving and removal operations of places and categories | |
The interface which allows clients to access places stored in a particular backend | |
Interface for implementers of QGeoServiceProvider plugins who want to provide access to place functionality | |
Manages a place matching operation started by an instance of QPlaceManager | |
Used to find places from one manager that match those from another. It represents a set of request parameters | |
Represents a search result containing a proposed search | |
Holds rating information about a place | |
Manages an operation started by an instance of QPlaceManager and serves as a base class for more specialized replies | |
Represents a search result containing a place | |
Manages a place search operation started by an instance of QPlaceManager | |
Represents the set of parameters for a search request | |
The base class for search results | |
Manages a search suggestion operation started by an instance of QPlaceManager | |
Represents a supplier of a place or content associated with a place | |
Represents an individual user | |
Implements a plain text layout for QTextDocument | |
Widget that is used to edit and display plain text | |
Used to notify about native platform surface events | |
Loads a plugin at run-time | |
Defines a point in the plane using integer precision | |
Defines a point in the plane using floating point precision | |
Template class that provides guarded pointers to QObject | |
A base class for pointer events | |
Describes a device from which mouse, touch or tablet events originate | |
Identifies a unique object, such as a tagged token or stylus, which is used with a pointing device | |
Presents data in polar charts | |
List of points using integer precision | |
List of points using floating point precision | |
Convenience wrapper around QSensorFilter | |
Holds readings from the pressure sensor | |
Convenience wrapper around QSensor | |
Dialog for specifying the printer's configuration | |
Defines an interface for how QPrinter interacts with a given printing subsystem | |
Dialog for previewing and configuring page layouts for printer output | |
Widget for previewing page layouts for printer output | |
Paint device that paints on a printer | |
Gives access to information about existing printers | |
Used to start external programs and to communicate with them | |
Holds the environment variables that can be passed to a program | |
Horizontal or vertical progress bar | |
Feedback on the progress of a slow operation | |
Way to store computation results to be accessed by QFuture | |
Template class that enables automatic property bindings | |
Animates Qt properties | |
Controls the lifecycle of change callback installed on a QProperty | |
Helper class for properties with automatic property bindings | |
Controls the lifecycle of change callback installed on a QProperty | |
Interface that represents basic functions for serialization/deserialization of QProtobufMessage objects to JSON | |
Base class for all protobuf messages | |
Calls the destructor of the child class of a QProtobufMessage | |
Allows iterating over repeated protobuf types | |
Interface that represents basic functions for serialization/deserialization | |
Convenience wrapper around QSensorFilter | |
Represents one reading from the proximity sensor | |
Convenience wrapper around QSensor | |
Convenience class that simplifies dynamically overriding QStyle elements | |
Command button | |
Allows you to control QML file loading | |
Convenient way to load an application from a single QML file | |
Encapsulates a QML component definition | |
Defines a context within a QML engine | |
Environment for instantiating QML components | |
Abstract base for custom QML extension plugins | |
Encapsulates a QML error | |
Evaluates JavaScript in a QML context | |
Abstract base for custom QML extension plugins with custom type registration functions | |
Static utility methods to categorize URLs | |
A class for applying a QFileSelector to QML file loading | |
Used to register image providers in the QML engine | |
Instances drive the progress of QQmlIncubators | |
Allows QML objects to be created asynchronously | |
Allows logging of QML-related messages | |
Allows applications to expose list-like properties of QObject-derived classes to QML | |
Allows the manipulation of QQmlListProperty properties | |
Creates QNetworkAccessManager instances for a QML engine | |
Updates on the QML parser state | |
Abstracts accessing properties on objects created from QML | |
Allows you to set key-value pairs that can be used in QML bindings | |
Interface for property value sources such as animations and bindings | |
Represents a single QML property binding for a specific type | |
Represents a QML type | |
Base class for all static analysis passes on elements | |
Represents a suggested fix for an issue in the source code | |
Base class for static analysis passes | |
Base class for all static analysis plugins | |
A wrapper around a string literal to uniquely identify warning categories in the QQmlSA framework | |
Represents a QML method | |
Can analyze an element and its children with static analysis passes | |
Represents a QML property | |
Base class for all static analysis passes on properties | |
Represents a location or region in the source code | |
Encapsulates a script and its context | |
Represents a quaternion consisting of a vector and scalar | |
Generic container that provides a queue | |
Helper class for selecting correct surface format | |
Helper functions for the Extensions APIs | |
Base class for defining custom geometry | |
Base class for defining instance tables | |
Base class of all 3D nodes and resources | |
Abstract class for implementing user side render extensions | |
Base class for defining custom texture data | |
Interface for asynchronous control of QML image requests | |
Way to propagate attached properties | |
Convenience class for integrating OpenGL rendering using a framebuffer object (FBO) with Qt Quick | |
Controls lower level graphics settings for the QQuickWindow | |
Opaque container for native graphics objects representing graphics devices or contexts | |
Interface for supporting pixmaps and threaded image requests in QML | |
Interface for asynchronous image loading in QQuickAsyncImageProvider | |
The most basic of all visual items in Qt Quick | |
Contains the result from QQuickItem::grabToImage() | |
Way to use the QPainter API in the QML Scene Graph | |
Mechanism for rendering the Qt Quick scenegraph onto an offscreen render target in a fully application-controlled manner | |
Opaque container for native graphics resources specifying a render target, and associated metadata | |
Portable alternative to QQuickFramebufferObject that is not tied to OpenGL, but rather allows integrating rendering with the QRhi APIs with Qt Quick | |
A QQuickRhiItemRenderer implements the rendering logic of a QQuickRhiItem | |
Allows configuring the application style | |
Access to the QTextDocument of QQuickTextEdit | |
Interface for loading custom textures from QML | |
Window for displaying a Qt Quick user interface | |
Web engine profile shared by multiple pages | |
Widget for displaying a Qt Quick user interface | |
The window for displaying a graphical QML scene | |
Used in combination with QBrush to specify a radial gradient brush | |
Radio button with a text label | |
Allows one to obtain random values from a high-quality Random Number Generator | |
Allows one to obtain 64-bit random values from a high-quality, seed-less Random Number Generator | |
Convenience class for using QPainter on a QWindow | |
Access to a single physical instance of a font | |
Convenience class that simplifies locking and unlocking read-write locks for read access | |
Read-write locking | |
Defines a rectangle in the plane using integer precision | |
Defines a finite rectangle in the plane using floating point precision | |
Access serialization between threads | |
Pattern matching using regular expressions | |
Specifies a clip region for a painter | |
Pattern matching using regular expressions | |
The results of a matching a QRegularExpression against a string | |
Iterator on the results of a global match of a QRegularExpression object against a string | |
Used to check a string against a regular expression | |
A class which provides the methods for setting PROP values of a replica to value they had the last time the replica was used | |
A dynamically instantiated Replica | |
A (Host) Node on a Qt Remote Objects network | |
Base functionality common to Host and RegistryHost classes | |
A node on a Qt Remote Objects network | |
Encapsulates the result of an asynchronous method call | |
Provides a QObject-based API for watching a QRemoteObjectPendingCall | |
A templated version of QRemoteObjectPendingCall | |
A class holding information about Source objects available on the Qt Remote Objects network | |
A (Host/Registry) node on a Qt Remote Objects network | |
A class interacting with (but not implementing) a Qt API on the Remote Object network | |
Contains event parameters for resize events | |
Interface for reading directly from resources | |
Convenience wrapper for QNetworkAccessManager | |
Convenience wrapper for QNetworkReply | |
Struct contains a 64-bit RGB color | |
Struct contains a four part RGBA floating-point color | |
Accelerated 2D/3D graphics API abstraction | |
Represents a physical graphics device | |
Vertex, index, or uniform (constant) buffer resource | |
Describes the a single color attachment of a render target | |
Command buffer resource | |
Compute pipeline state resource | |
Direct3D 11 specific initialization parameters | |
Holds the D3D device and device context used by the QRhi | |
Holds the ID3D12GraphicsCommandList1 object that is backing a QRhiCommandBuffer | |
Direct3D 12 specific initialization parameters | |
Holds the D3D12 device used by the QRhi | |
Specifies clear values for a depth or stencil buffer | |
Describes the physical device, adapter, or graphics API implementation that is used by an initialized QRhi | |
OpenGL specific initialization parameters | |
Holds the OpenGL context used by the QRhi | |
Graphics pipeline state resource | |
Base class for backend-specific initialization parameters | |
Holds the MTLCommandBuffer and MTLRenderCommandEncoder objects that are backing a QRhiCommandBuffer | |
Metal specific initialization parameters | |
Holds the Metal device used by the QRhi | |
Base class for classes exposing backend-specific collections of native resource objects | |
Null backend specific initialization parameters | |
Empty | |
Describes a readback (reading back texture contents from possibly GPU-only memory) operation | |
Describes the results of a potentially asynchronous buffer or texture readback operation | |
Renderbuffer resource | |
Render pass resource | |
Represents an onscreen (swapchain) or offscreen (texture) render target | |
Base class for classes encapsulating native resource objects | |
Records upload and copy type of operations | |
Sampler resource | |
Specifies a scissor rectangle | |
Describes the shader resource for a single binding point | |
Encapsulates resources for making buffer, texture, sampler resources visible to shaders | |
Specifies the type and the shader code for a shader stage in the pipeline | |
An object that wraps a texture or another kind of native 3D API object | |
Statistics provided from the underlying memory allocator | |
Swapchain resource | |
Describes the high dynamic range related information of the swapchain's associated output | |
Opaque data describing native objects needed to set up a swapchain | |
Swapchain render target resource | |
Texture resource | |
Describes a texture-to-texture copy operation | |
Texture render target resource | |
Describes the color and depth or depth/stencil attachments of a render target | |
Describes the source for one mip level in a layer in a texture upload operation | |
Describes a texture upload operation | |
Describes one layer (face for cubemaps, slice for 3D textures, element for texture arrays) in a texture upload operation | |
Describes a single vertex input element | |
Describes a vertex input binding | |
Describes the layout of vertex inputs consumed by a vertex shader | |
Specifies a viewport rectangle | |
Holds the Vulkan command buffer object that is backing a QRhiCommandBuffer | |
Vulkan specific initialization parameters | |
Collects device, queue, and other Vulkan objects that are used by the QRhi | |
References additional Vulkan API objects that get passed to vkQueueSubmit() | |
Holds the Vulkan render pass object backing a QRhiRenderPassDescriptor | |
Widget for rendering 3D graphics via an accelerated grapics API, such as Vulkan, Metal, or Direct 3D | |
Shared base for calendars based on the ancient Roman calendar | |
Convenience wrapper around QSensorFilter | |
Represents one reading from the rotation sensor | |
Convenience wrapper around QSensor | |
Rectangle or line that can indicate a selection or a boundary | |
The base class for all runnable objects | |
Serves as a baseclass for geometry based nodes | |
Implements the clipping functionality in the scene graph | |
Serves as a baseclass for dynamically changing textures, such as content that is rendered to FBO's | |
Convenient way of rendering solid colored geometry in the scene graph | |
Low-level storage for graphics primitives in the Qt Quick Scene Graph | |
Used for all rendered content in the scene graph | |
Provided for convenience to easily draw textured content using the QML scene graph | |
Encapsulates rendering state for a shader program | |
Represents a graphics API independent shader program | |
Used as a unique type token in combination with QSGMaterial | |
The base class for all nodes in the scene graph | |
Used to change opacity of nodes | |
Convenient way of rendering textured geometry in the scene graph | |
Convenience class for drawing solid filled rectangles using scenegraph | |
Represents a set of custom rendering commands targeting the graphics API that is in use by the scenegraph | |
An interface providing access to some of the graphics API specific internals of the scenegraph | |
Convenience class for drawing solid filled rectangles using scenegraph | |
Provided for convenience to easily draw textured content using the QML scene graph | |
Class for drawing text layouts and text documents in the Qt Quick scene graph | |
The base class for textures used in the scene graph | |
Convenient way of rendering textured geometry in the scene graph | |
Encapsulates texture based entities in QML | |
Implements transformations in the scene graph | |
Convenient way of rendering per-vertex colored geometry in the scene graph | |
Class containing helper functions for getting camera data used for rendering | |
Storage class containing data collected for a frame | |
Class containing helper functions for modifying and setting data for model renderables | |
Aggregate class for sub-parts of the QtQuick3D rendering engine | |
Base class for extension backend node implementations | |
Class containing helper functions for the extensions | |
Class containing helper functions for setting up and render QtQuick3D renderables | |
QSSGRhiContext | |
Graphics pipeline state for the spatial scene graph | |
QSSGRhiSamplerDescription | |
Interface for safely writing to files | |
Represents a data series in a 3D scatter graph | |
Represents a data series in a 3D scatter graph | |
Container for resolved data to be added to scatter graphs | |
Container for resolved data to be added to scatter graphs | |
The data proxy for 3D scatter graphs | |
The data proxy for 3D scatter graphs | |
Presents data in scatter charts | |
Presents data in scatter graphs | |
Provides a scope guard for calling a function at the end of a scope | |
Stores a pointer to a dynamically allocated array of objects, and deletes it upon destruction | |
Stores a pointer to a dynamically allocated object, and deletes it upon destruction | |
RAII class around Qt::beginPropertyUpdateGroup()/Qt::endPropertyUpdateGroup() | |
Resets a variable to its previous value on destruction | |
Used to query screen properties | |
This class is used for capturing a screen | |
Scrolling view onto another widget | |
Vertical or horizontal scroll bar | |
Sent when scrolling | |
Sent in preparation of scrolling | |
Enables kinetic scrolling for any scrolling widget or graphics item | |
Stores the settings for a QScroller | |
SCTP-based server | |
SCTP socket | |
Compiler for SCXML files | |
C++ data model for a Qt SCXML state machine | |
The data model base class for a Qt SCXML state machine | |
Creates SCXML service instances from documents loaded at runtime | |
Describes the errors returned by the Qt SCXML state machine when parsing an SCXML file | |
Event for a Qt SCXML state machine | |
AssingmentInfo class represents a data assignment | |
Represents a unit of executable content | |
Represents a foreach construct | |
Represents a service invocation | |
Represents a parameter to a service invocation | |
The base class for services called from state machines | |
Creates invokable service instances | |
The null data model for a Qt SCXML stateMachine | |
Interface to the state machines created from SCXML files | |
Creates SCXML service instances from precompiled documents | |
Used by compiled state machines | |
General counting semaphore | |
Exception-safe deferral of a QSemaphore::release() call | |
Represents a single hardware sensor | |
Sensor implementation | |
Instantiates instances of QSensorBackend | |
The pure virtual interface to sensor plugins | |
Efficient callback facility for asynchronous notifications of sensor changes | |
Handles registration and creation of sensor backends | |
The pure virtual interface to sensor plugins | |
Holds the readings from the sensor | |
Sequential group of animations | |
Iterable interface for a container in a QVariant | |
Provides functions to access serial ports | |
Provides information about existing serial ports | |
Access to the session manager | |
Template class that provides a hash-table-based set | |
Java-style const iterator for QSet | |
Persistent platform-independent application settings | |
Contains multiple versions of a shader translated to multiple shading languages, together with reflection metadata | |
Compiles a GLSL/Vulkan shader into SPIR-V, translates into other shading languages, and gathers reflection metadata | |
Contains source or binary code for a shader and additional metadata | |
Describes the interface of a shader | |
Specifies the shading language, the version with flags, and the variant | |
Specifies the shading language version | |
Base class for shared data objects | |
Represents a pointer to an implicitly shared object | |
Access to a shared memory segment | |
Holds a strong reference to a shared pointer | |
Used to create keyboard shortcuts | |
Event which is generated when the user presses a key combination | |
Event that is sent when a widget is shown | |
Exception-safe wrapper around QObject::blockSignals() | |
Bundles signals from identifiable senders | |
Enables introspection of signal emission | |
Transition based on a Qt signal | |
A base class for pointer events containing a single point, such as mouse events | |
Defines the size of a two-dimensional object using integer point precision | |
Defines the size of a two-dimensional object using floating point precision | |
Resize handle for resizing top-level windows | |
Layout attribute describing horizontal and vertical resizing policy | |
Vertical or horizontal slider | |
Support for monitoring activity on a file descriptor | |
Support for sorting and filtering data passed between another model and a view | |
Way to play low latency sound effects | |
Blank space in a layout | |
A non-owning container over contiguous data | |
A sound object in 3D space | |
Spin box widget | |
Splash screen that can be shown during application startup | |
Represents a data series as a spline | |
Presents data as spline charts | |
Presents data in spline graphs | |
Implements a splitter widget | |
Handle functionality for the splitter | |
Handles a connection to a database | |
Abstract base class for accessing specific SQL databases | |
Template class that provides a SQL driver factory for a specific driver type | |
The base class for SQL driver factories | |
Abstract base for custom QSqlDriver plugins | |
SQL database error information | |
Manipulates the fields in SQL database tables and views | |
Functions to manipulate and describe database indexes | |
Means of executing and manipulating SQL statements | |
Read-only data model for SQL result sets | |
Encapsulates a database record | |
Stores information about an SQL foreign key | |
Delegate that is used to display and edit data from a QSqlRelationalTableModel | |
Editable data model for a single database table, with foreign key support | |
Abstract interface for accessing data from specific SQL databases | |
Editable data model for a single database table | |
Convenient API for an X509 certificate | |
API for accessing the extensions of an X509 certificate | |
Represents an SSL cryptographic cipher | |
Holds the configuration and state of an SSL connection | |
Interface for Diffie-Hellman parameters for servers | |
Represents an elliptic curve for use by elliptic-curve cipher algorithms | |
SSL error | |
Interface for private and public keys | |
Authentication data for pre shared keys (PSK) ciphersuites | |
Implements an encrypted, secure TCP server over TLS | |
SSL encrypted socket for both clients and servers | |
Template class that provides a stack | |
Presents a series of data as vertically stacked bars, with one bar per category | |
Stack of widgets where only one widget is visible at a time | |
Stack of widgets where only one widget is visible at a time | |
Item for use with the QStandardItemModel class | |
The possibility to register widgets without having to subclass QItemEditorCreatorBase | |
Generic model for storing custom data | |
Methods for accessing standard paths | |
General-purpose state for QStateMachine | |
Hierarchical finite state machine | |
Compile-time version of QByteArrayMatcher | |
Compile-time version of QLatin1StringMatcher | |
Struct containing a reference to a static plugin instance together with its meta data | |
Enables optimized drawing of text when the text and its layout is updated rarely | |
Horizontal bar suitable for presenting status information | |
Event that is used to show messages in a status bar | |
Provides information about currently mounted storage and drives | |
Unicode character string | |
Base class for encoding and decoding text | |
State-based decoder for text | |
State-based encoder for text | |
List of strings | |
Model that supplies strings to views | |
Holds a sequence of characters that can be quickly matched in a Unicode string | |
Thin wrapper around QString substrings | |
Splits strings into tokens along given separators | |
Unified view on UTF-16 strings with a read-only subset of the QString API | |
Abstract base class that encapsulates the look and feel of a GUI | |
Creates QStyle objects | |
Style hints that return more than basic data types | |
Style hints that return a QRegion | |
Style hints that return a QVariant | |
Contains platform specific hints and settings | |
Stores the parameters used by QStyle functions | |
Used to describe the parameters for drawing buttons | |
Used to describe the parameter for drawing a combobox | |
Used to hold parameters that are common to all complex controls | |
Used to describe the parameters for drawing a dock widget | |
Used to describe the parameters for drawing a focus rectangle with QStyle | |
Used to describe the parameters for drawing a frame | |
Used to describe the parameters needed to draw a QGraphicsItem | |
Describes the parameters for drawing a group box | |
Used to describe the parameters for drawing a header | |
Used to describe the parameters for drawing a header | |
Used to describe the parameter necessary for drawing a menu item | |
Used to describe the parameters necessary for drawing a progress bar | |
Used to describe the parameters needed for drawing a rubber band | |
Used to describe the parameter for drawing a size grip | |
Used to describe the parameters needed for drawing a slider | |
Used to describe the parameters necessary for drawing a spin box | |
Used to describe the parameters for drawing a tab bar | |
Used to describe the base of a tab bar, i.e. the part that the tab bar usually overlaps with | |
Used to describe the parameters for drawing the frame around a tab widget | |
Used to describe the parameters for drawing a title bar | |
Used to describe the parameters for drawing a toolbar | |
Used to describe the parameters needed for drawing a tool box | |
Used to describe the parameters for drawing a tool button | |
Used to describe the parameters used to draw an item in a view widget | |
Convenience class for drawing QStyle elements inside a widget | |
Abstract base for custom QStyle plugins | |
Display and editing facilities for data items from a model | |
Used when registering fonts with the internal Qt fontdatabase | |
Abstraction of renderable surfaces in Qt | |
Represents a data series in a 3D surface graph | |
Represents a data series in a 3D surface graph | |
Container for resolved data to be added to surface graphs | |
Container for resolved data to be added to surface graphs | |
The data proxy for a 3D surface graph | |
The data proxy for a 3D surface graph | |
Represents the format of a QSurface | |
Paint device that is used to create SVG drawings | |
Used to draw the contents of SVG files onto paint devices | |
Widget that is used to display the contents of Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) files | |
Describes a swipe gesture made by the user | |
Allows you to define syntax highlighting rules, and in addition you can use the class to query a document's current formatting or user data | |
Information about the system | |
General counting system semaphore | |
Icon for an application in the system tray | |
Tab bar, e.g. for use in tabbed dialogs | |
Stack of tabbed widgets | |
Default model/view implementation of a table view | |
Item-based table view with a default model | |
Item for use with the QTableWidget class | |
Way to interact with selection in a model without using model indexes and a selection model | |
Contains parameters that describe a Tablet event | |
Template class that wraps an iterator and exposes standard iterator traits | |
Describes a tap-and-hold (aka LongTap) gesture made by the user | |
Describes a tap gesture made by the user | |
TCP-based server | |
TCP socket | |
Creates a unique directory for temporary use | |
I/O device that operates on temporary files | |
Used to simulate a sequence of touch events | |
List of GUI events | |
Container for text fragments in a QTextDocument | |
Formatting information for blocks of text in a QTextDocument | |
Container for text blocks within a QTextDocument | |
Used to associate custom data with blocks of text | |
Way of finding Unicode text boundaries in a string | |
Rich text browser with hypertext navigation | |
Formatting information for characters in a QTextDocument | |
Conversions between text encodings | |
Offers an API to access and modify QTextDocuments | |
State-based decoder | |
Holds formatted text | |
Represents a piece of formatted text from a QTextDocument | |
Format-independent interface for writing a QTextDocument to files or other devices | |
Widget that is used to edit and display both plain and rich text | |
State-based encoder | |
Formatting information for a QTextDocument | |
Holds a piece of text in a QTextDocument with a single QTextCharFormat | |
Represents a frame in a QTextDocument | |
Formatting information for frames in a QTextDocument | |
Formatting information for images in a QTextDocument | |
Represents an inline object in a QAbstractTextDocumentLayout and its implementations | |
All the information required to draw text in a custom paint engine | |
Used to lay out and render text | |
Encapsulates the different types of length used in a QTextDocument | |
Represents a line of text inside a QTextLayout | |
Decorated list of items in a QTextDocument | |
Formatting information for lists in a QTextDocument | |
Base class for different kinds of objects that can group parts of a QTextDocument together | |
Allows drawing of custom text objects in QTextDocuments | |
Description of general rich text properties | |
Convenient interface for reading and writing text | |
Represents a table in a QTextDocument | |
Represents the properties of a cell in a QTextTable | |
Formatting information for table cells in a QTextDocument | |
Formatting information for tables in a QTextDocument | |
Convenient access to text-to-speech engines | |
Platform-independent way to manage threads | |
Manages a collection of QThreads | |
Per-thread data storage | |
The rules used to draw a pixmap or image split into nine segments | |
Convenience wrapper around QSensorFilter | |
Holds readings from the tilt sensor | |
Convenience wrapper around QSensor | |
Clock time functions | |
Widget for editing times based on the QDateTimeEdit widget | |
Timeline for controlling animations | |
Identifies how a time representation relates to UTC | |
Repetitive and single-shot timers | |
Contains parameters that describe a timer event | |
Movable panel that contains a set of controls | |
Column of tabbed widget items | |
Quick-access button to commands or options, usually used inside a QToolBar | |
Tool tips (balloon help) for any widget | |
Basic touch display based input handler | |
Contains parameters that describe a touch event | |
Specifies 2D transformations of a coordinate system | |
Internationalization support for text output | |
This proxy transposes the source model | |
Default model/view implementation of a tree view | |
Tree view that uses a predefined tree model | |
Item for use with the QTreeWidget convenience class | |
Way to iterate over the items in a QTreeWidget instance | |
Contains a lightweight representation of a version number with two 8-bit segments, major and minor, either of which can be unknown | |
UDP socket | |
Enables standalone applications to dynamically create user interfaces at run-time using the information stored in UI files or specified in plugin paths | |
The base class of all commands stored on a QUndoStack | |
Group of QUndoStack objects | |
Stack of QUndoCommand objects | |
Displays the contents of a QUndoStack | |
Represents an unhandled exception in a Qt Concurrent worker thread | |
Uniform interface over bindable properties like QProperty\ | |
Convenient interface for working with URLs | |
Way to manipulate a key-value pairs in a URL's query | |
Unified view on UTF-8 strings with a read-only subset of the QString API | |
Converts between a MIME type and a Uniform Type Identifier (UTI) format | |
Stores a Universally Unique Identifier (UUID) | |
Vertical model mapper for bar series | |
Lines up widgets vertically | |
Vertical model mapper for box plot series | |
Vertical model mapper for a candlestick series | |
Vertical model mapper for pie series | |
Vertical model mapper for line, spline, and scatter series | |
Validation of input text | |
Manipulates an axis of a graph | |
Manipulates an axis of a graph | |
Base class for value axis formatters | |
Base class for 3D value axis formatters | |
Adds values to a chart's axes | |
Adds values to a graph's axes | |
Low-level variable-length array | |
Acts like a union for the most common Qt data types | |
Base class for animations | |
Emulated const pointer to QVariant based on a pointer | |
Template class that emulates a pointer to QVariant based on a pointer | |
Acts as a non-const reference to a QVariant | |
Alias for QList | |
Represents a vector or vertex in 2D space | |
Represents a vector or vertex in 3D space | |
Represents a vector or vertex in 4D space | |
Contains a version number with an arbitrary number of segments | |
Represents a frame of video data | |
Specifies the stream format of a video presentation surface | |
Used for providing custom video frames to QMediaRecorder or a video output through QMediaCaptureSession | |
Represents a generic sink for video data | |
Widget which presents video produced by a media object | |
Base class for input methods | |
An application-defined dictionary for virtual keyboard input methods | |
Dictionary management for application-defined dictionaries | |
Provides access to an input context | |
InputEngine class provides an input engine that supports C++ and QML integration | |
Acts as a hub for keyboard event notifications | |
List model for selection lists | |
Trace is a data model for touch input data | |
Represents a particular voice | |
Cross-platform access to the device level core Vulkan 1.3 API | |
Represents information about a Vulkan extension | |
Cross-platform access to the instance level core Vulkan 1.3 API | |
A specialized QList for QVulkanLayer and QVulkanExtension | |
Represents a native Vulkan instance, enabling Vulkan rendering onto a QSurface | |
Represents information about a Vulkan layer | |
Convenience subclass of QWindow to perform Vulkan rendering | |
Used to implement the application-specific rendering logic for a QVulkanWindow | |
Condition variable for synchronizing threads | |
Holds the reference to a surface buffer | |
Represents a client connecting to the QWaylandCompositor | |
Manages the Wayland display server | |
The base class for compositor extensions | |
Convenience class for subclassing QWaylandCompositorExtension | |
Provides an extension that allows to inhibit the idle behavior of the compositor | |
Extension for embedded-style user interfaces | |
Simple way to identify and resize a surface | |
Represents a keyboard device | |
The base class for objects that can contain Wayland extensions | |
Represents a displayable area managed by the compositor | |
Holds the resolution and refresh rate of an output | |
Represents a pointer device | |
Extension to get timing for on-screen presentation | |
Provides access to input methods in the compositor | |
Qt Quick item representing a QWaylandView | |
Provides support for shell surface integration with QtQuick | |
Qt Quick item that represents a QWaylandShellSurface | |
Container for a wl_resource | |
Access to keyboard, mouse, and touch input | |
Common interface for surface roles specified by shell extensions | |
Convenience class for creating custom shell surface classes | |
Represents a rectangular area on an output device | |
Allows to read the content of a QWaylandSurface | |
Represents the role of the surface in context of wl_surface | |
Provides access to input methods in the compositor | |
Access to a touch device | |
Represents a view of a surface on an output | |
Provides an extension for surface resizing and cropping | |
Extension for desktop-style user interfaces | |
Desktop-style compositor-specific features to a surface | |
Provides an extension for negotiation of server-side and client-side window decorations | |
Provides an extension for describing outputs in a desktop oriented fashion | |
Represents the popup specific parts of an xdg surface | |
Extension for desktop-style user interfaces | |
Desktop-style compositor-specific features to an xdg surface | |
Represents the toplevel window specific parts of an xdg surface | |
Holds a weak reference to a shared pointer | |
Exposes QObjects to remote HTML clients | |
Communication channel between the C++ QWebChannel server and a HTML/JS client | |
Information about a certificate error | |
QWebEngineClientCertSelection class wraps a client certificate selection | |
In-memory store for client certificates | |
Object to customize User-Agent Client Hints used by a profile | |
Request for populating or extending a context menu with actions | |
Access to Chromium's cookies | |
A request for populating a dialog with available sources for screen capturing | |
Information about a download | |
Enables accepting or rejecting requests for local file system access from JavaScript applications | |
Encapsulates the result of a string search on a page | |
Gives information about and control over a page frame | |
Enables accepting or rejecting requests for entering and exiting the fullscreen mode | |
Struct provides means to specify the DNS host resolution mode | |
Represents the history of a web engine page | |
Represents one item in the history of a web engine page | |
A data model that represents the history of a web engine page | |
Holds a request to be sent with WebEngine | |
A utility type for the WebEngineView::loadingChanged signal | |
A utility type for the QWebEnginePage::navigationRequested signal | |
A utility type for the QWebEnginePage::newWindowRequested() signal | |
Encapsulates the data of an HTML5 web notification | |
Object to view and edit web documents | |
A QWebEnginePermission is an object used to access and modify the state of a single permission that's been granted or denied to a specific origin URL | |
Web engine profile shared by multiple pages | |
Way to construct QWebEngineProfile | |
Enables accepting or rejecting requests from the registerProtocolHandler API | |
Encapsulates a JavaScript program | |
Represents a collection of user scripts | |
Object to store the settings used by QWebEnginePage | |
Information about URL requests | |
Abstract base class for URL interception | |
Represents a custom URL request | |
Configures a custom URL scheme | |
Base class for handling custom URL schemes | |
Widget that is used to view and edit web documents | |
Encapsulates the data of a PIN WebAuth UX request | |
Encapsulates the data of a WebAuth UX request | |
Implements a TCP socket that talks the WebSocket protocol | |
Authenticator object for Cross Origin Requests (CORS) | |
Collects options for the WebSocket handshake | |
Implements a WebSocket-based server | |
Simple description of any widget, i.e. answering the question "What's This?" | |
Event that can be used to handle hyperlinks in a "What's This?" text | |
Contains parameters that describe a wheel event | |
The base class of all user interface objects | |
Extends QAction by an interface for inserting custom widgets into action based containers, such as toolbars | |
Layout item that represents a widget | |
Support for the Windows Wait functions | |
Represents a window in the underlying windowing system | |
This class is used for capturing a window | |
The window state before a window state change | |
Maps open-standard MIME to Window Clipboard formats | |
Framework for wizards | |
The base class for wizard pages | |
Convenience class that simplifies locking and unlocking read-write locks for write access | |
Legend marker for a line, spline, or scatter series | |
Model mapper for line, spline, and scatter series | |
Parent class for all x & y series classes | |
Base class for line, spline, and scatter series | |
XML attributes | |
Interface to report the logical content of XML data | |
Interface to report DTD content of XML data | |
Interface to report declaration content of XML data | |
Default implementation of all the XML handler classes | |
Interface to resolve external entities contained in XML data | |
Interface to report errors in XML data | |
The input data for the QXmlReader subclasses | |
Interface to report the lexical content of XML data | |
The XML handler classes with information about the parsing position within a file | |
Helper class for XML readers which want to include namespace support | |
Used to report errors with the QXmlErrorHandler interface | |
Interface for XML readers (i.e. parsers) | |
Implementation of a simple XML parser | |
Represents a single XML attribute | |
Represents a vector of QXmlStreamAttribute | |
Represents a DTD entity declaration | |
Entity resolver for a QXmlStreamReader | |
Represents a namespace declaration | |
Represents a DTD notation declaration | |
Fast parser for reading well-formed XML via a simple streaming API | |
XML writer with a simple streaming API | |
An abstract base class for Qt3D animations | |
The base class for types providing key frame animation data | |
The base class for types providing animation playback capabilities | |
The base class for types used to construct animation blend trees | |
Performs an additive blend of two animation clips based on an additive factor | |
Provides key-frame animation capabilities to Qt 3D | |
Represents an animation callback object | |
Specifies key frame animation data | |
Class containing the animation data | |
Enables loading key frame animation data from a file | |
A controller class for animations | |
A class grouping animations together | |
Component providing animation playback capabilities of a tree of blend nodes | |
Allows to map the channels within the clip onto an invocation of a callback object | |
Defines a channel for a QAnimationClipData. The animation system interpolates each channel component independently except in the case the QChannel is called "Rotation" (case sensitive), it has four QChannelComponents and the same number of keyframes for each QChannelComponent. In that case the interpolation will be performed using SLERP | |
Allows to map the channels within the clip onto properties of objects in the application | |
Allows to map the channels within the clip onto properties of objects in the application | |
Component providing simple animation playback capabilities | |
Class used for including a clip in a blend tree | |
A base class for handling keyframes | |
A class implementing simple keyframe animation to a QTransform | |
Performs a linear interpolation of two animation clips based on a normalized factor | |
A class providing morph targets to blend-shape animation | |
A class implementing blend-shape morphing animation | |
A class implementing vertex-blend morphing animation | |
The base class for aspects that provide a vertical slice of behavior | |
Abstract base class for all functors | |
A skeleton contains the joints for a skinned mesh | |
Used to calculate skinning transform matrices and set them on shaders | |
Responsible for handling all the QAbstractAspect subclasses that have been registered with the scene | |
Base class for jobs executed in an aspect | |
Defines an attribute and how data should be read from a QBuffer | |
Base class for all Qt3D backend nodes | |
Creates and maps backend nodes to their respective frontend nodes | |
Can be used to override the bounding volume of an entity | |
Provides a data store for raw data to later be used as vertices or uniforms | |
Base class of scene nodes that can be aggregated by Qt3DCore::QEntity instances as a component | |
Holds settings related to core data handling process | |
Qt3DCore::QEntity is a Qt3DCore::QNode subclass that can aggregate several Qt3DCore::QComponent instances that will specify its behavior | |
Encapsulates geometry | |
Encapsulates geometry details | |
Used to transforms parts of skinned meshes | |
The base class of all Qt3D node classes used to build a Qt3D scene | |
Uniquely identifies a QNode | |
Holds the data for a skeleton to be used with skinned meshes | |
Used to load a skeleton of joints from file | |
Used to perform transforms on meshes | |
Environment for the QAspectEngine and a method for instantiating QML components | |
Basic functionality for camera controllers | |
Allows creation of a cone in 3D space | |
A conical mesh | |
A conical mesh | |
Allows creation of a cuboid in 3D space | |
A cuboid mesh | |
A cuboid mesh | |
Allows creation of a cylinder in 3D space | |
A cylindrical mesh | |
A cylindrical mesh | |
Default implementation of the phong lighting effect | |
Allows creation of a 3D extruded text in 3D space | |
A 3D extruded Text mesh | |
Allows controlling the scene camera from the first person perspective | |
Default FrameGraph implementation of a forward renderer | |
Material that implements the Gooch shading model, popular in CAD and CAM applications | |
Default implementation of PBR lighting | |
Default implementation of the phong lighting effect | |
Allows controlling the scene camera along orbital path | |
Default implementation for rendering the color properties set for each vertex | |
Allows creation of a plane in 3D space | |
A square planar mesh | |
A square planar mesh | |
Qt3DExtras::QSkyboxEntity is a convenience Qt3DCore::QEntity subclass that can be used to insert a skybox in a 3D scene | |
Allows creation of a sphere in 3D space | |
A spherical mesh | |
A spherical mesh | |
Allows creation of a 2D text in 3D space | |
Default implementation of a simple unlit texture material | |
Allows creation of a torus in 3D space | |
A toroidal mesh | |
A toroidal mesh | |
The base class for the Action Input and all Aggregate Action Inputs | |
QAbstractActionInput is the base class for all Axis Input | |
The base class used by Qt3d to interact with arbitrary input devices | |
Qt3DInput::QAbstractPhysicalDeviceProxy acts as a proxy for an actual Qt3DInput::QQAbstractPhysicalDevice device | |
Links a set of QAbstractActionInput that trigger the same event | |
Stores Device and Buttons used to trigger an input event | |
An axis input controlled by an analog input The axis value is controlled like a traditional analog input such as a joystick | |
Stores QAbstractAxisInputs used to trigger an input event | |
Processes velocity or acceleration data from a QAxis | |
Stores settings for the specified list of Axis | |
An axis input controlled by buttons The axis value is controlled by buttons rather than a traditional analog input such as a joystick | |
Responsible for creating physical devices and handling associated jobs | |
Represents a set of QAbstractActionInput's that must be triggerd at once | |
Abstract base class used to define new input methods such as game controllers | |
Represents a set of QAbstractActionInput's that must be triggerd one after the other | |
Holds the pointer to an input event source object | |
Event type send by KeyBoardHandler | |
In charge of dispatching keyboard events to attached QQKeyboardHandler objects | |
Provides keyboard event notification | |
Allows the user to define a set of actions that they wish to use within an application | |
Delegates mouse events to the attached MouseHandler objects | |
Qt3DCore::QMouseEvent contains parameters that describe a mouse event | |
Provides a means of being notified about mouse events when attached to a QMouseDevice instance | |
Contains parameters that describe a mouse wheel event | |
Provides a way to have a synchronous function executed each frame | |
Responsible for handling frame synchronization jobs | |
Encapsulate a QAbstractLight object in a Qt 3D scene | |
An abstract base class for ray casting in 3d scenes | |
A base class to be used to provide textures | |
Encapsulates the necessary information to create an OpenGL texture image | |
Enable alpha-to-coverage multisampling mode | |
Specify alpha reference test | |
Specifies the equation used for both the RGB blend equation and the Alpha blend equation | |
Encapsulates blending information: specifies how the incoming values (what's going to be drawn) are going to affect the existing values (what is already drawn) | |
FrameGraph node to transfer a rectangle of pixel values from one region of a render target to another | |
Exchanges buffer data between GPU and CPU | |
Defines a view point through which the scene will be rendered | |
Qt3DRender::QCameraLens specifies the projection matrix that will be used to define a Camera for a 3D scene | |
Class to allow for selection of camera to be used | |
Class to clear buffers | |
Enables an additional OpenGL clipping plane that can be in shaders using gl_ClipDistance | |
Allows specifying which color components should be written to the currently bound frame buffer | |
QComponent to issue work for the compute shader on GPU | |
Specifies whether front or back face culling is enabled | |
Enables a visual overlay with scene details | |
Enables remapping depth values written into the depth buffer | |
Tests the fragment shader's depth value against the depth of a sample being written to | |
Encapsulate a Directional Light object in a Qt 3D scene | |
FrameGraph node to issue work for the compute shader on GPU | |
Enable dithering | |
Base class for effects in a Qt 3D scene | |
Encapsulate an environment light object in a Qt 3D scene | |
Storage for filter keys and their values | |
Base class of all FrameGraph configuration nodes | |
Defines front and back facing polygons | |
Enable frustum culling for the FrameGraph | |
Encapsulates geometry rendering | |
Identifies the API required for the attached QTechnique | |
Way of filtering which entities will be rendered | |
Controls layers drawn in a frame graph branch | |
Way of controlling the complexity of rendered entities based on their size on the screen | |
Simple spherical volume, defined by its center and radius | |
Provides a way of enabling child entities based on distance or screen size | |
Specifies the width of rasterized lines | |
Provides an abstract class that should be the base of all material component classes in a scene | |
Class to emplace a memory barrier | |
A custom mesh loader | |
Enable multisample antialiasing | |
Disable depth write | |
When a Qt3DRender::QNoDraw node is present in a FrameGraph branch, this prevents the renderer from rendering any primitive | |
When a Qt3DRender::QNoPicking node is present in a FrameGraph branch, this prevents the render aspect from performing picking selection for the given branch | |
Instantiates a component that can be used to interact with a QEntity by a process known as picking | |
A QAbstractTextureImage that can be written through a QPainter | |
Provides storage for a name and value pair. This maps to a shader uniform | |
Holds information when an object is picked | |
Holds information when a segment of a line is picked | |
Holds information when a segment of a point cloud is picked | |
Holds information when a triangle is picked | |
Can be used to provide an alternate QGeometryView used only for picking | |
Specifies how entity picking is handled | |
Encapsulate a Point Light object in a Qt 3D scene | |
Specifies the size of rasterized points. May either be set statically or by shader programs | |
Sets the scale and steps to calculate depth values for polygon offsets | |
Select entities which are within a distance threshold of a target entity | |
Render state allows to control the type of rasterization to be performed | |
Qt3DRender::QRayCaster is used to perform ray casting tests in 3d world coordinates | |
Details of a hit when casting a ray through a model | |
Class | |
Holds settings related to available rendering engines | |
Frame graph node for render capture | |
Receives the result of render capture request | |
Encapsulates a Render Pass | |
Provides storage for vectors of Filter Keys and Parameters | |
Holds settings related to rendering process and host the active FrameGraph | |
An abstract base class for all render states | |
FrameGraph node offers a way of specifying a set of QRenderState objects to be applied during the execution of a framegraph branch | |
Provides a way of specifying the render surface | |
Encapsulates a target (usually a frame buffer object) which the renderer can render into | |
Allows the specification of an attachment of a render target (whether it is a color texture, a depth texture, etc... ) | |
Provides a way of specifying a render target | |
Provides the facility to load an existing Scene | |
Discards fragments that fall outside of a certain rectangular portion of the screen | |
Performe ray casting test based on screen coordinates | |
Enables seamless cubemap texture filtering | |
FrameGraphNode used to insert a fence in the graphics command stream | |
Provides a way of specifying values of a Uniform Block or a shader structure | |
Provides Image access to shader programs | |
Encapsulates a Shader Program | |
Generates a Shader Program content from loaded graphs | |
Allows to use a textureId from a separate OpenGL context in a Qt 3D scene | |
Provides storage for the sort types to be used | |
Encapsulate a Spot Light object in a Qt 3D scene | |
Controls the front and back writing of individual bits in the stencil planes | |
Specifies stencil operation | |
Sets the actions to be taken when stencil and depth tests fail | |
Specifies arguments for the stecil test | |
Specifies arguments for stencil test | |
Enables or disables entire subtrees of framegraph nodes | |
Encapsulates a Technique | |
A QFrameGraphNode used to select QTechniques to use | |
A QAbstractTexture with a Target1D target format | |
A QAbstractTexture with a Target1DArray target format | |
A QAbstractTexture with a Target2D target format | |
A QAbstractTexture with a Target2DArray target format | |
A QAbstractTexture with a Target2DMultisample target format | |
A QAbstractTexture with a Target2DMultisampleArray target format | |
A QAbstractTexture with a Target3D target format | |
A QAbstractTexture with a TargetBuffer target format | |
A QAbstractTexture with a TargetCubeMap target format | |
A QAbstractTexture with a TargetCubeMapArray target format | |
Stores texture information such as the target, height, width, depth, layers, wrap, and if mipmaps are enabled | |
Holds content and information required to perform partial updates of a texture content | |
Provides the image data for a texture | |
Encapsulates the necessary information to create an OpenGL texture image from an image source | |
Stores data representing a texture | |
Provides texture image data for QAbstractTextureImage | |
Handles the texture loading and setting the texture's properties | |
A QAbstractTexture with a TargetRectangle target format | |
Defines the wrap mode a Qt3DRender::QAbstractTexture should apply to a texture | |
A viewport on the Qt3D Scene | |
FrameGraphNode used to wait for a fence in the graphics command stream to become signaled | |
This class enables rendering qml into a texture, which then can be used as a part of 3D scene | |
Qt::partial_ordering represents the result of a comparison that allows for unordered results | |
Qt::strong_ordering represents a comparison where equivalent values are indistinguishable | |
Qt::totally_ordered_wrapper is a wrapper type that provides strict total order for the wrapped types | |
Qt::weak_ordering represents a comparison where equivalent values are still distinguishable | |
Used for adjusting task parameters | |
QtFuture::WhenAnyResult is used to represent the result of QtFuture::whenAny() | |
A helper class to simplify working with the protobuf Any type | |
A class that holds information about client backends available on the Qt Remote Objects network | |
A class that holds information about server backends available on the Qt Remote Objects network | |
Provides 16-bit floating point support | |
Holds the specifics of an output range |
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